Manchester Life 2024 | Page 36

From the moment that the Manchester Skatepark opened in 2019 at Dana L . Thompson Memorial Park , it has brought Manchester ’ s residents and families together in beautiful ways . On any given spring or summer day , you will likely see children and parents of all ages enjoying its wide-ranging obstacles and features . Skilled skateboarders coast through the bowls and transitions and grind on rails with effortless finesse — and they courteously leave time for younger , less experienced riders to get a turn . Today , the park ’ s final two phases have been completed , ushering in a new era of athletic expression and community connection .



Manchester ’ s newly-completed skatepark welcomes skateboarders of all ages and abilities

From the moment that the Manchester Skatepark opened in 2019 at Dana L . Thompson Memorial Park , it has brought Manchester ’ s residents and families together in beautiful ways . On any given spring or summer day , you will likely see children and parents of all ages enjoying its wide-ranging obstacles and features . Skilled skateboarders coast through the bowls and transitions and grind on rails with effortless finesse — and they courteously leave time for younger , less experienced riders to get a turn . Today , the park ’ s final two phases have been completed , ushering in a new era of athletic expression and community connection .

The spirit of cooperative respect that is evident at the park today was embodied through all phases of the park ’ s funding and construction . It all started with the foundation of the Manchester Skatepark Committee in 2013 . Comprised of passionate members , including Dan Davala , Patti Eisenhaur , and Bill Strecker , among many others , the Skatepark Committee laid the groundwork for the construction , design , and fundraising of the park . They included all age demographics in town meeting discussions , including young , local skateboarders who played a direct role in influencing the park ’ s design and location . Working with local officials , public relations workers , and Manchester ’ s former
Town Manager , John O ’ Keefe , the Skatepark Committee raised $ 50,000 of public funds from the town of Manchester . The funds were matched and then surpassed by local , anonymous donors to complete Phases 1 and 1.5 of the park ’ s construction . Individual , small-scale donations from local residents also played a prominent part , as did a generous $ 10,000 joint donation by the Tony Hawk Foundation and Bode Miller ’ s Turtle Ridge Foundation . The park was designed and built by the internationally-renowned firm , Grindline Skateparks . They incorporated design elements that paid tribute to the beautiful Southern Vermont scenery into the first phases of the park , such as a
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