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contracts and smaller projects across the northeast . Passenger service on the railroad also thrived as a popular mode of transportation between Manchester and Dorset . To meet the demands of projects like the New York Public Library and other contracts , the mill underwent three expansions within the first five years . In November 1906 , the final shipment of stone for the New York Public Library departed . Subsequently , the mill ’ s nighttime operations ceased , triggering speculations about its closure and the transfer of machinery to the Norcross Brothers ’ mills at Tuckahoe . Tragedy then struck on December 15 , 1906 , with the passing of Spafford West . His demise , amidst the mill ’ s constant operation , reverberated in shockwaves throughout the Southern Vermont community . However , come spring , former employees received notices announcing the mill ’ s reopening in June 1907 , with an initial workforce of 18 men .
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Ernest , Spafford West ’ s son , was groomed for a role in the business from childhood . As a result , he naturally assumed leadership . Spafford ’ s memorial stone , sourced from the Norcross-West quarry , underwent cutting , sanding , and carving at the mill . Transporting the finished stone was a logistical feat : loaded onto the railroad , it journeyed to South Dorset , then transferred to a sleigh drawn by six teams of horses to Dorset ’ s Maple Hill Cemetery .
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In 1908 , the company ’ s building projects surged , including the interior finishing of the Bureau of American Republics building in Washington D . C . Subsequent projects included the historic OAS ( Organization of American States ) building and the Memorial Continental Hall , D . A . R ., in Washington , D . C . It boasted 13 fluted columns , which were carved from single monoliths sourced from the quarry . Unexpectedly , in May 1913 , the Vermont Marble Company of Proctor , Vermont , announced its acquisition of the Norcross-West mill , quarry rights , and the railroad . The deal , encompassing over 2,000 acres , marked a significant shift .
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