Building Prosperity
TOP ROW LEFT : A derailed train car near the Manchester , Dorset , and Granville Railroad carrying Dorset Marble . TOP ROW RIGHT : Orlando Whitney Norcross , Co-Founder of the Norcross-West Company of Dorset . MIDDLE LEFT : A stockyard full of Dorset Marble . BOTTOM LEFT : Freshly quarried marble slabs . BOTTOM RIGHT : Horses hauling Dorset Marble
While the quarries and mills that once operated in Southern Vermont from the 18th to the early 20th century have faded into history , echoes of the most prominent among them endure in Manchester . The sparse vestiges of a once-mighty finishing mill now lie just off of Richville Road . In the early 1900s , it stood as a pivotal establishment – and it was possibly once the town ’ s principal employer . This mill was where Dorset marble was transformed into key structural components , which were used in some of the nation ’ s most iconic buildings .
Building Prosperity
The Norcross Brothers of Worcester , Massachusetts , stood as eminent builders at the close of the 19th century , and were well-known for their quarries across several states . Their initial foray into Vermont was prompted by securing the contract for the esteemed New York Public Library . Their exclusive quarrying rights and capability to handle such a monumental project secured their victory .
It all started when Orlando Whitney Norcross ventured to Dorset in search of white marble in the quarries on Mount Aeolus . In partnership with local marble entrepreneur , Spafford Holley West , they established the Norcross-West Company of Dorset in 1900 . Their new quarry would supply over 500,000 cubic feet of “ Dorset White ” marble for the library ’ s construction , both inside and out . The expansive endeavor necessitated significant infrastructure expansions in Manchester and Dorset , complementing
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