Managing Fatigue | Page 6

Recommendations for Managing Fatigue
Alertness Behind the Wheel
A safe drive home begins before getting behind the wheel . For example , if you only had four hours of sleep yesterday , an alarm should go off in your head warning you that you ’ re at higher risk than usual for a vehicle accident .
44 . Get enough sleep during off-duty hours ; use regular naps to supplement if you are frequently short-changed
45 . If you ' re feeling sleepy , park and take a nap at a road stop or safe place away from traffic
46 . On longer trips , take a break outside of the vehicle every two hours to recharge and stimulate blood flow to the brain
47 . Exercise briefly before you get in your vehicle 48 . Consider taking a taxi for shorter trips when you ’ re tired
49 . Carpool for longer trips so drivers can switch off ; conversation will also prevent you from drifting off
50 . Do not allow the vehicle ’ s interior to be too warm ; let in plenty of fresh air
51 . Be aware of your alertness downtimes ( early afternoon and between midnight and dawn ) and drive defensively ; you ’ re not the only tired shift worker on the road
52 . Totally avoid alcohol which enhances drowsiness levels
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