ManagerSim November 2016 | Page 5

1. Higher personnel costs

You can expect higher personnel costs. The amount needed to manage personnel depends on economy factor and club level.

2. Budget set by board

The amount of money available to clubs had to be restricted, to make game competitive and a bit harder to master.

The board took all the money and left only enough to manage a full season. It is uncertain when they will, if ever, do so again.

3. Stricter board

The board of the club has given you a task to manage to the best of your ability, and expectations you need to meet in order to keep your job. Failing to listen, ignoring their warnings and not winning enough games will make them question your suitability and eventually fire you.

4. Taxes and more taxes

The LoL's ( League of Leagues ) governing body, the top organization LIES ( Liasons of International Economy Sanctions ) has decided to tax all weekly profits clubs make.

The reason for this dramatic change was motivated as:

"Clubs and managers sitting on huge piles of cash not pouring money back into the system, thus making it vulnerable and unbalanced. This is a temporary solution until market stabilizes and it will go on for 2 seasons with an option to extend it for another 3 seasons."

"The lack of funds will hopefully promote player movement and clubs trading more frequently" said one official.

There have been speculations on how this will affect the economy of the clubs and doomsday preachers have been voicing concerns of imminent bankruptcy waves across Europe.

We have been working hard and managed to do two big releases and a number of fixes during the summer of 2016, while enjoying the European Championship, where Portugal was crowned new European Champion.