ManagerSim November 2016 | Page 16

the MoST VALUABLE Players

The top five most valuable players per position


The rating is only the base skill rating and not biased by any experience factor.

The Goalkeepers

Thibaut Gassou, Lazio

Jonathan Greiser, Real Madrid

Ángel Ordóñez, Milan

Ozzie Basildon, Inter

Alberto Cortes, Torino

Age 29

Age 29

Age 28

Age 27

Age 27

9.9 / 10

9.5 / 10

9.8 / 10

9.9 / 10

9.7 / 10

29.2 M

20.3 M

18.7 M

18.7 M

18.2 M



The Defenders

Dietmar Schneider, Middlesbrough

Steffen Dittmar, PSG

Helmuth Leiber, VfL Bochum

Helmuth Wendt, Lazio

Garibaldo Giugino, Fiorentina

Age 28

Age 29

Age 23

Age 27

Age 26

9.9 / 10

9.9 / 10

9.9 / 10

9.9 / 10

9.9 / 10

26.8 M

25.3 M

22.7 M

21.8 M

20.8 M



The Midfielders

Bogumil Waglewski, PSG

Leonardo Bramati, Inter

Jesus Macaluso, Juventus

Dylan Chambers, Middlesbrough

Jamal Daubresse, Lazio

Age 28

Age 28

Age 27

Age 24

Age 29

9.9 / 10

9.7 / 10

9.6 / 10

9.6 / 10

9.9 / 10

20.4 M

19.2 M

18.9 M

18.5 M

16.4 M



The Attackers

Ralf Nienaber, Barcelona

Cosme Mussons, Fiorentina

Alexandre Greaux, PSG

Martin Ersler, FC Utrecht

Amelio Caredda, Bologna

Age 28

Age 28

Age 29

Age 27

Age 27

10.0 / 10

9.6 / 10

9.2 / 10

9.1 / 10

9.6 / 10

156 M

40.8 M

39.1 M

36.7 M

31.8 M