ManagerSim Jan 2016 | Page 20

Player Development Profiles

01. Fast Peak Good

13% of the players ( 3397 / 26 044 ) have this profile. Player starts at 75% of his potential ability and peaks to 100% when he is 18. He is at his peak until he reaches 33. Then he begins to wear off back to 60% at age of 39.

02. Fast Peak Bad

None of the players have this profile at the moment. Player starts at 80% of his potential ability and peaks to 100% when he is 17. He is at his peak until he reaches 22. Then he begins to wear off back to 60% at age of 39.

09. Slow Peak Good Sub

2.9% of the players have this profile. Player starts at 60% of his potential ability and peaks to 98% when he is 23. He wears off to 95% by the age of 34 and down to 60% by the age of 39.

10. Slow Peak Bad Sub

1.29% of the players have this profile. Player starts at 60% of his potential and peaks to 97% by age of 23. By age of 29 he would wear off to 85% and by the age of 39 he will reach 60%.

03. Slow Peak Good

3% of the players have this profile. Player starts at 60%, to reach 100% at age of 23 then wear off after age of 34 to 39.

04. Slow Peak Bad

1.27% of the players have this profile. Player starts at 60%, to reach 100% at age of 23 then wear of to 85%, when at 29 and wear off down to 60% at the age of 39.

11. Long Peak Good Sub

2.95% of the players have this profile. Player starts at 60% of his potential ability and peaks to 100% when he is 23. When at 37, he would be at 90% of his ability and later wear off to 60% by the age of 39.

12. Superman 1

7.12% of the players have this profile. Player starts at 100% of his potential and stay there until the age of 37. By the age of 42 they will wear off to 80% of ability.

05. Slow Peak Bad

3.09% of the players have this profile. Player starts at 60%, to reach 100% at age of 37 then wear of to 60%, at the age of 39.

06. Normal Sub

14.09% of the players have this profile. Player starts at 60%, to reach 98% at age of 19, then wear of to 96% until age of 29. Then player wears of to 60%, at the age of 39.

13. Superman 2

6.6% of the players have this profile. Player starts at 100% of his potential ability and keeps it until the age of 33. Then he will wear off to 95% by the age of 36 and down to 75% by the age of 42.

14. Superman 3

7% of the players have this profile. Player starts at 100% of his potential and stay there until the age of 38. By the age of 42 they will wear off to 60% of ability.

07. Fast Peak Good Sub

6.02% of the players have this profile. Player starts at 75% of his potential ability and peaks to 98% when he is 18. When at 33 he would be at 95% and at 39 he will be at 60% of total ability.

08. Fast Peak Bad Sub

3.4% of players have this profile. They begin at 80% to reach 95% at age of 17 and wear off to 75% by the age of 22 and down to 60% by the age of 39.

15. Superman 4

7.2% of the players have this profile. Player starts at 100% of his potential ability and keeps it until the age of 35. Then he will wear off to 80% by the age of 42.

16. Superman 5

Only 10 players have this profile. Player starts at 100% of his potential and stay there until the age of 42. By the age of 43 they will wear off to 60% of ability.

All players in the game are given a pre-set development profile that will dictate their development pattern. This only means player's skills will peak and wear off at certain age. It does not dictate the future potential of any player directly, but shows why a player development is not always constant.

00. Normal Development profile is what 5410 players out of 26 044 players have ( 20.7% ) and is the most common profile. Player starts at 60% of his potential ability and peaks to 100% when he reaches age of 19. He is at his peak until he reaches 29. Then he begins to wear off back to 60% at age of 39 ...