ManagerSim April 2016 | Page 2


17th of February 2015, we started the ManagerSim Kickstarter campaign, to end at 31st of March. It was a great campaign, and at times it looked not likely to end well, but in the darkest hour, one man stepped up and invested some love into this project.

Thank you, Kevin Pugliese.

Change and growth are painful, and you'd agree with me if you remember your teenage years, when we saw the world through different eyes. It was more black and white. When we lost something, it was a disaster and when we won, we were kings.

Now more than a year later, on a bumpy road of ups and downs game has never been this equal and stable. Several releases later, we find the game in very solid ground, ready to build on.

What can we do better and bigger, with respect to the old ways and retro feel of the game?

Generally, development is complicated due the old architecture of things. Some things are easier said than done, even the really easy things. If you'd look at everything totally unbiased by your own team, league, results, and progress, you will have to agree that the future looks exciting for this game.

So it's been a painful privilege to work on this project.

Thank you, all unsung heroes and champions who stepped up when support was needed to help the game.


Berhan Karagoez