There are some that believe the economic depression that started in 2008, with the slow recovery that followed, coupled with the uncertainty of global economy has prevented many Millennials from getting off to a good start.

They doubt that Millennials will ever have the economic mobility to afford the traditional American Dream given skyrocketing housing prices, the changing nature of relationships away from monogamy (we’re moving towards a more single lifestyle) and the increasing expense of having children.

Others however believe that something is fundamentally wrong with this generation’s work ethic and that those opportunities still exist, the American Dream is very much alive, it’s just not pursued by Millennials because of their inherent character flaws… like a poor work ethic and sense of entitlement.

I wonder if maybe there’s a third option between economic explanations and character assassinations?

What I think we’re experiencing here is an issue that can only be explained by Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs…