Performance Sustainability is different than the sustainability you may have already be accustom to. Yes, environmental sustainability is a massive concern to the world, and businesses a like. Without natural resources the ability for a business to scale and produce more products becomes a challenge that most business will not be able to overcome.
This type of sustainability starts with your staff. Its all about keeping them happy and motivated to continue to perform at the standard you have set. Without happy employees there will be no Vibe. And Vibe is exactly what a team needs to perform. Vibe is the energy that flows between all members of your team and is a testament to the true cohesiveness of the group. Happy employees enjoy the job they do but more importantly have a great working relationship with their management team.
A managers role is to understand their employees and utilize their strengths in order to maximize their performance. If a manager is good to his or her people then the output will be far greater. Now just a side note, be careful about giving into to many demands to keep your staff happy because it could get out of control, and you can become to lenient on your standards and the staff can become entitled. Like you always have to do something for them to make them happy. Sustainability is a give and take idea where the team performs at the management’s standard and the managers in return support, guide and motivate.
Unhappy employees can inhibit performance and reduce the quality of the team or work being completed. Unhappy employees are not necessarily bad people, angry people or the such. They more than likely have underling issues that have remained unresolved. Examples could be promises not kept from the management team, altercations with another staff member, disagree with the management staff or others or they could just be having a day. Before you are quick to write these employees off be sure to spend some time talking to them and trying to find the root cause of the underlying issue. As questions and be attentive. You may learn about other issues that are hindering your performance. Without consistent performance from a company and it's team, an organization has no sustainability.
Spend time actively observing your team and motivating them through congratulations with positive affirmations. High Fives and Great Jobs are a great way to show your people that you love to see the incredible job they are doing. If you have the ability, create some Spiffs or other monetary prizes. People give more effort when there is a monetary gain involved. Especially sales. These incentives however are usually tied into a manager's position and are more than likely potential monetary gains that are performance based.