MANAGEMENT OF NORM IN THE PETROLEUM INDUSTRY Akpojevwa Tega Naomi, october 2016 | Page 45

liquids to be collected in water tanks or basins with additional necessity for treatment and handling and might also lead to carryover of contamination to the environment. Figure 3.1. Worker using a HPWJ lance (Courtesy: Atomic Energy Commission of Syria) 3.5 Disposal Options for NORM Contaminated Waste Disposal options are influenced by the characteristics of the waste e.g. activity concentration, type of radiation, half-life period and physical form. Disposal site factors like climate, geology, ground water and surface water can also influence the suitability for a specific kind of waste to be disposed. Optimal dispositions should establish safe, practical and cost-effective disposal methods for NORM waste. They should also be designed to provide protection to human health and the environment. It is relevant to develop appropriate risk assessment programs aligned with the local and international regulations. The 34