MANAGEMENT OF NORM IN THE PETROLEUM INDUSTRY Akpojevwa Tega Naomi, october 2016 | Page 42

 Not be sent to other facilities without informing the recipients about the NORM content  Be disposed (if necessary) in approved NORM disposal facilities.  Be decontaminated following NORM decontamination protocols. In addition, routine checks should be performed in the storage areas to ensure that the protective measures are in order. Records of the NORM contaminated equipment should be kept all the time. 3.4 Decontamination Decontamination of a plant and equipment contaminated with NORM, generate different types of waste streams. It is common that these wastes will contain not only radioactive particles but also other compounds (heavy metals and chemicals), such as zinc, mercury and lead. This may cause constrains in the decontamination options, and of course increases the level of safety measures to be taken when decontaminating. Petroleum companies have several management options with regard to the produced water after it has been separated from the crude oil. These include, injection of the produced water into deep abandonment oil wells, pumping it into evaporation ponds, or injecting it back into reservoirs to aid in the recovery of more crude oil. Another alternative was also found when a new technology 31