Goddess Portrait:
by, Mihaela Nicoleta Micula
hich is your story about fashion?
Vera is a simple girl, born and brought up in in the
Rift Valley, region of Kenya, precisely Kericho, in a very, very
humble background, ordinarily schooled. I started modeling
in 2004 where I was a Miss World Kenya finalist, Miss Malaika
finalist and Miss Lake Festival of Arts (Queen). And since then,
I developed a unique need to express myself and things
around me, using the knowledge and artistic talent I had. I
used to design my own outfits for pageants and normal occasions. Most people asked me where I did my clothes and
I replied: “I did!” So they would buy fabrics and asked me to
design something or similar to mine. It was fun and a source
of income as well since I had cleared high school and didn’t
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have a job...I love arts. Since childhood, I love fashion.
Fashion is part of me. Fashion is art. Fashion is freedom.
I use fashion to portray the rich and diversified culture.
But as you know, runways and modeling have a short
shelf life. At some age in life, you don’t find yourself fitting
on runways. So I started VFH (Vee Fashion House Malindi). Vee Fashion House is locally based firm situated in
Malindi, along the Kenyan Coast...It has a local touch with
an International outlook in the fashion industry. Since its
inception, VFH has gained a reputation for high fashion
design. It was punctuated with innovative debut of an
updated ballet flat that is resonating today. It is dedicated
to redefining the quality parameters in the capacity of the
society and individuals, to appreciate and keep in touch
with the dynamism of the fashion trends. Alsoa to initiate
a promising platform for the fashion indust ????????????)????????????
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