In the BUSINESS of New Mentor
Start here!
"I want to encourage other moms
that they do not need to stay stuck
in a state of overwhelm, that they
can take back their life. And,
perhaps most importantly, I want
to encourage other moms,
especially the ones who are
struggling with difficult children
that they are ordained by God to
do this very thing. I needed to
remember that myself, and thanks
to MMU, I do now."
___ Find and save your welcome email
___ Join the Mentor Facebook group
___ Set up notifications on Facebook
___ Contact your Mentor
___ Log into your Virtual Office
Your Mentor Office
___ Enroll in Mentor Academy
___ Check out your Mentor resources
___ Review Policies and Procedures
- Semalee Bilbrey
Goal Setting
___ Set your 90-day rank goal
___ Share your goal with your Mentor
___ Make your “300” list
___ Follow the “Follow-Up Formula”
___ Set up your social media pages
MAP it out!
___ Get your Master Mom Planner
___ Put Mentor Academy on your MAP
___ Schedule your “Mom’s Night Out”
___ Put outreach and follow up on your