share the meal ideas on the invites so you
cover any allergies or personal
Enrollee gift—gourmet spices
have the party
artist party
Everyone brings a blank canvas and a local
artist leads everyone in a painting project
they can take home. Make sure you have
plenty of smocks for everyone and all the
supplies needed to create a stunning
Enrollee gift—art kit or set of brushes
Set the mood with fun music (80’s is always
a crowd favorite) and plenty of yummy
snacks. By the way, always take moms up
on the offer to bring food items. It makes
them feel invested in the event and also
ensures they show up.
After enjoying the fun and games, share a
short testimonial about how Mom Mastery
University has impacted your life and
communicate that you want to give them
the same opportunity. Show them the
video, “7 Secret Habits of Supermoms.” A
great idea is to have enough notebooks and
pens on hand for each guest to take notes.
When the class is over, extend gifts for
each person who decides to enroll
immediately. A great idea is to have gifts
that match the party theme.
follow up