High Marks for MALP ’ s Annual Meeting
MALP ’ s Annual Meeting , held on Tuesday , November 12 , 2024 , was a resounding success , bringing together close to 100 members to learn about the latest trends in climate change and weather forecasting .
MALP President Chris Connors , MCLP opened the meeting and expressed gratitude to his fellow board members and the management team for their contributions to a successful year . Past President , Karen Kerr , MCLP , ran the elections and three new board members were added to the leadership of the MALP : Katie Merrifield , MCLP ; Mike Landry , MCLP ; and Matt McCoy , MCLP .
A highlight of the meeting was an informative presentation by Mark Shananberger of truWeather . Mark , an accomplished meteorologist in weather technology and a background in the green industry , shared his insight on weather volatility in both seasonal patterns and individual weather events . He discussed strategies to help landscape professionals , as well as snow and ice managers , navigate these changes more effectively .
MALP ’ s education committee is always on the lookout for great speakers to present , and companies interested in sponsoring our events . Please reach out to us with your recommendations at Admin @ MLP-MCLP . org .
Photo top : Welcome 2025 MALP Board of Directors : Front Row ( l-r ) Miriam Hellweg , MCLP , MCA ; Chris Connors , MCLP ; Andy McDuff , MCLP . Back row ( l-r ) Matt McCoy , MCLP ; Johnny Kwasek , MCLP ; Mike Landry , MCLP ; Katie Merrifield , MCLP .
Photo bottom : Annual Meeting speaker Mark Shanaberger and MALP president Chris Connors , MCLP .