Stay Connected !
State Senator Rebecca Rausch , Chair of the Joint Committee on the Environment and Natural Resources , met with MALP members on December 13 , 2024 . She toured Harrison McPhee in Millis , learned about the many ways our industry is championing sustainable practices , saw how compost tea is brewed , and forged a relationship with our association she can draw on in the future . Many thanks to Jen McPhee , Scott McPhee , MCA and Matt McCoy , MCA , MCLP of Harrison McPhee for hosting . Gratitude also to Miriam Hellweg , MCA , MCLP , A Blade of Grass , Doug McDuff , MCA , MCLP , Landscape America , and our Green Industry legislative agents Steve Boksanski and Warren Lent .
Senator Rausch was grateful for the opportunity to meet with business owners in her district and our members were happy to answer her questions about the industry . We encourage other members to consider inviting a local legislature to visit their site . If you ’ re interested , please let us know and we ’ ll set the wheels in motion .
Stay Connected !
Join MALP ’ s growing professional community on social media .
@ MassLandscapeProfessionals
@ Mass _ Landscape _ Professionals
Six Simple Steps
Six simple steps that you can take to help build MAA ’ s Grassroots Legislative Network . It ’ s all about communication , connections , and building relationships with the decision-makers on Beacon Hill .
1 . Identify your local Senator & Representative https :// malegislature . gov / Search / FindMyLegislator .
2 . Find them on social media : Facebook , Instagram , LinkedIn , Twitter ( X ). Follow and / or join their online group . Comment when appropriate – let them know you are the green industry expert within your local community .
3 . Send a quick email letting them know about your company and that you are available for any questions or insight they might need about the green industry , sustainable practices , workforce issues , etc .
4 . Visit them during office hours in your community . Introduce yourself , make a connection , and let them know you are available . Legislators want to meet their constituents , and this is an underutilized opportunity to meet face-to-face .
5 . Contribute to their campaign . Financial support goes a long way in building relationships .
6 . Encourage your colleagues and crew members to do the same . Every person is a vote !
We are in this together and there is strength in numbers . When you become a trusted resource for your legislators , you can help impact positive change for our entire industry .
MALP Newsline | Winter 2025 13