Male and Female reproductive system april 9 2014

A P R I L 9 , 2 0 1 4 theINTERNATIONAL E-MAGAZINE ON ADOLESCENT HEALTH THE MALE AND FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM C ATA L I N A G O N Z Á L E Z A 0 1 1 9 4 0 1 1 / N ATA L I A A B I S D R I S A 0 1 1 9 3 5 3 4 / J O A N N A S I L VA A 0 1 1 9 3 9 9 7 ABOUT... Mitos y realidades de la salud sexual Sexually Transmitted Diseases In this magazine we will inform you ways to take care of your health and body while being sexually active. Also, different types of severe sexually transmitted diseases you can contract during sexual intercourse and the effects they will have on your body for the rest of your life if not they also may be deadly. Procedures on how to take or use different types of contraceptives will let you know which is the most appropriated regarding your personal situation. Contraceptives and how they work Page 1