Malayzia Mag Issue 7: The Thanksgiving Edition | Page 22

Romance 101: Because She’s Worth It. Boys, men and gentlemen, Just because your woman doesn’t complain about everything you fail to do, it doesn’t mean you should continually fail to do it. There are some things that a woman should truly not have to ask you to do because having to ask defeats the purpose. Many things a woman expects you to do are things you should want to do for her without expectation. This should include opening and holding the door for her, opening her car door, offering your jacket if she’s cold, ya’ know, all those chivalrous things. If you don’t have the genuine desire to make and keep her happy, you probably don’t deserve the opportunity to do so. Here are a few tips every man can use in order to achieve a happier significant other. Tip #1. Pay attention to your woman. If you pay enough attention to your woman, you’ll know when she’s tired, stressed, upset, overwhelmed, fed-up and the host of other emotions that women feel. Don’t ignore them. It is your job to help her overcome any feelings that aren’t positive. You never want to make your woman feel like you don’t care or don’t notice. Tip #2. Take notice then take ACTION. Recognizing that she is feeling some kind of way is worthless if you don’t plan to do anything about it. Methods of comforting your sweetheart will vary and so knowing your woman is vital to this step. Flowers aren’t a solution for every woman so don’t just assume cliché, run of the mill solutions will work. Tip #3. Use the element of surprise. What woman doesn’t like (good) surprises? Do you remember she came home and brought you the newest Madden? Or when you came home from work and dinner was on the table? What have you done for her lately? If romance isn’t