must be in favor of the plan for it to be enforced . When first introduced , it was pushed through on a 5-4 vote .
In the history of the Emergency Management program , it has never worked but instead conspired to get rid of the city ’ s specialized departments and place them in control of contractors . This would also eliminate the sharing of sales tax with the city . Finally , it would allow the government to remove the elected officials and appoint whoever they so chose . The incompetence of this program is clear . The emergency managers do not have the same concerns as the city residents . For instance , the Emergency Manager for the city of Highland Park expressed that the functionality of the street lights was not a priority . Over 80 % of the city could have been illuminated for $ 2 million . Instead , the emergency manager allowed DTE Energy to reposes the street lights . Krystal Crittendon will get the Supreme Court involved before she lets this happen to her city .
When you vote for a candidate for Mayor , consider where their genuine interest lies . Krystal Crittendon ’ s interest is the best interest of the beautiful city of Detroit . Vote Krystal Crittendon for Mayor of Detroit .
Attorney Crittendon , thank you for your dedication and commitment to Detroit and the sacrifices you ’ ve made up to this point . May God Bless you and keep you and I hope to call you “ Mayor ”.
-Candace Mays Copyright Malayzia Mag 2013
Malayzia Mag
Author: Heather Burcham