Malayzia Mag Issue 1 | Page 13

Malayzia Mag

capability whatsoever. If you need more than 5, which most companies do, it’s $2 more dollars a month per address. $2 doesn’t sound like much per month but if you need 20 or more additional email accounts, you can see how it can get expensive. Worst of all, you can forget about actually using that email. It’s estimated that in a 30 month period, you will have several 2-3 day outages where you have no access to your email whatsoever. The system will tell you that your user name and password are incorrect when really, the folks at HMAIL have had to disable the accounts due to hackings or system breaches. I don’t know about you but that doesn’t make me feel like my account and information are secure! Well, if you’re okay with 30-40 minute hold times, you might be fortunate enough to speak to someone about your issue BUT all they’ll say is “our techs are working really hard to get the issue fixed but we have no ETA”. Don’t believe HMAIL could be that bad? Visit their update board at

If you need a website and don’t know a whole lot about HTML and programming, I would say try WIX or GODADDY. They are less expensive, more inclusive and certainly more dependable. By the time you pay for what you need with INTUIT websites (and give up your peace of mind), you would’ve already paid a web designer. INTUIT is just not a good value for the money.