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the family , leading to orders for DNA testing . In some extreme cases , such claims may lead to the exhumation of already interred persons .
Determination of identity
This is mainly utilized in cases of unknown dead persons whereby the body is either completely decomposed and fingerprints cannot be lifted , where the body is burned to an extent that the identification is impossible or in cases of mass fatality disasters .
An example of this application in Kenya is when there was a terrorist attack in Garissa University in the year 2015 . In this case , by the time the bodies of the students reached Nairobi , they were already decomposed due to poor refrigeration facilities at Garissa . Many were identified by way of fingerprints but a few had to undergo DNA matching with the parents to determine their identity . Emphasis was laid on testing the mother for it is only the mother who knows the father of her children . Another example is the ongoing Shakahola mass exhumations in which establishment of identity of the individuals exhumed is impossible due to decomposition , hence necessitating DNA analysis .
Sexual and gender-based violence
Cases of sexual and gender-based violence have been on an increase in the recent past , with some of these resulting into rape . To solve the crime , investigators have utilised the science of DNA by taking swabs from the genitals of the victims , and at times from the perpetrators too . These are analysed and a profile is generated . Upon arrest of the perpetrator , the DNA of the suspect is collected , profiled and matched with the one found in the body of the victim . This has helped greatly in securing conviction or even in exonerating an accused person .

Many crimes have been solved using DNA technology . The principle behind this is what is known as the Lockard principle of exchange whereby any violent encounter between two individuals leads to exchange of biological materials . In this case , perpetrators usually leave their genetic material at the crime scene and this can be used to place the suspect at the crime scene .

Many crimes have been solved using DNA technology . The principle behind this is what is known as the Lockard principle of exchange whereby any violent encounter between two individuals leads to exchange of biological materials . In this case , perpetrators usually leave their genetic material at the crime scene and this can be used to place the suspect at the crime scene . In the year 2016 , Kenyans were shocked when an advocate , his client and a taxi driver were abducted as they were leaving Mavoko court , and their bodies were later found dumped in a river near Donyo Sabuk area . Investigators were able to identify the place where they were murdered in Mlolongo area . At the alleged crime scene there were many evidential materials collected , including cigarette butts . DNA swab on the materials collected generated DNA profile of one of the suspects , placing him at the scene of murder . This helped greatly in their conviction .
Cold homicide cases
A cold homicide case is a case which remains unsolved for may years , pending discovery of new evidence . In the past , before DNA technology came into the forefront of crime investigation , other methods were relied on , leading to inability to solve many cases . With the advancement of DNA technology , many samples that were kept pending conclusion of the cold cases have been analysed , thus solving these cases by identifying perpetrators of crimes that took place even over 20yrs ago .
In some cases , persons who had been convicted and jailed have been saved by DNA leading to their release . In some
extreme cases ( mainly in the west ), persons who were hanged , based on circumstantial evidence were later exonerated posthumously based on new evidence from DNA analysis .
This is the study of family lineages in which persons may seek to understand their history . Many techniques have been applied and this include the use of genetics . We have seen blacks from the diaspora coming to Africa to look for their ancestral origin , based on genetic information
Other applications
Genetics have also been applied in study of diseases , manufacture of medicine including vaccines , in biotechnology , agriculture , gene therapy and many others .
Future of DNA
The future application of DNA include gene therapy in which technology will be applied to replace faulty inherited gene hence treating diseases like sickle cell anemia , switching off and on of genes to treat cancer , restoration of genes which falter over time .
Dr . Johansen Oduor , MBChB ( UoN ), MMed Path ( UoN ), LLB Hons ( UoN ), Dip for Med ( College of Medicine South Africa ), is a Forensic Pathologis / Medicolegal Specialist and President Emeritus , African Society Forensic Medicine . You can commune with him via mail at : Johansenoduor @ gmail . com .