Coaching | Page 23

but a great instinct is what will differentiate you .
Walter is now feeling better . He had to be put on an antibiotic . I had no idea human medicines can also be prescribed for cats . Insights are always powerful and are the cornerstone of marketing success . He didn ’ t quite like the medicine at first , but then he realized resistance was futile .
# Lesson 6
Don ’ t misuse antibiotics lest you contribute to antibiotic resistance .
Walter is in love . He has spotted an almost one year old cat called Cookie . He has to convince her of his undying affection and loyalty . She is having none of it . Cats have a communication language all of their own . They seem to understand each other . He chases her
and she looks at him with her nose in the air and a bombastic side eye .
# Lesson 7
Clear and concise communication is key . As is the need for consistency .
We took care of Walter because we chose to do it . Walter was supposed to be rehomed at the animal shelter . We were unable to send him to yet another strange place , where he would be sad and confused . Animals feel pain , they feel sadness and they show love . Walter loves sitting next to us , and without warning , you will find him sitting on you . All he wants is affection .
# Lesson 8
Treat someone how you want to be treated . Walter has brought joy into our lives , he has made us live in the moment , and he has shown what resilience means . Who would have thought Walter ’ s paw would heal without surgery or even a cast . Who would have imagined Walter running around and in love .
# Lesson 9
Always care about the people that matter because you will miss them when they are gone . Don ’ t wait to tell them , tell them today !
Cats are honest , authentic , and independent . Perhaps leaders might want to take a leaf out of these characteristics . And did you know that a cat ’ s purr is therapeutic ? Research has shown that a cat ’ s purr can lessen the level of stress in a human and help with healing .
# Lesson 10 Stay curious , even if curiosity killed the cat .
Walter White and I wish you the most purrfect 2024 .
Thrity Engineer-Mbuthia is a marketing professional with over 25 years ’ experience in corporate and academia . She is also a Certified Executive Coach specializing in career and leadership coaching . You can reach her on mail at : Mycoach @ thrityengineer . org .