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Senior executives should demonstrate they are passionate about innovation and creativity and infect the rest of the staff with their enthusiasm . Innovation boils down to curiosity and millennials at the workplace just want to be empowered and given a license to create , of course within guided parameters .
it . Due to the social media phenomenon , it takes place almost instantly . Thus , the rise in popularity of online reviews . The ride hailing taxi services today have taken it a notch higher and ask customers to rate the experience at the end of each trip . This rating influences the taxi drivers ’ future ability to be assigned rides thus impacting their income directly .
Millennials are looking for convenience , in itself is a massive opportunity . This has seen the rise of home and office delivery services ranging from laundry to food , haircare and even overall domestic shopping . My view is that we are only scratching the surface with this trend . With eyeballs having shifted online where the millennials spend 75 percent of their time , there is a whole lot of work that can be achieved by meeting them online .
How does a brand ensure that it is on the right track ? The businesses need to ask themselves fundamental questions such as ‘ are they able to hear the boos and cheers of their customers ’? And if they do , what are they doing about the boos especially ?
It generally calls for a great mindset rethink . The fact that a company hires young people in the lower ranks of the business doesn ’ t automatically translate to connection with the millennial market , unless the c-suite

Senior executives should demonstrate they are passionate about innovation and creativity and infect the rest of the staff with their enthusiasm . Innovation boils down to curiosity and millennials at the workplace just want to be empowered and given a license to create , of course within guided parameters .
executives give the junior cadres space to experiment , fail and succeed .
There are some outlier companies such as Unilever that have bucked the trend and instituted an innovation culture across the entire business , giving the staff space to generate and test ideas . Such an environment that acknowledges that failure is a part of success is not easy to achieve yet the future belongs to firms that embrace it .
This is where a company adopts a growth mindset , with senior executives demonstrating they are passionate about innovation and creativity and infecting the rest of the staff with their enthusiasm . Innovation boils down to curiosity and millennials at the workplace just want to be empowered and given a license to create , of course within guided parameters .
Everything begins and ends with the customer and businesses need to continuously learn from millennials by engaging with them and accelerating digitalization .
Lionel Marumahoko is the CEO of BPL Africa Connect , an Executive and Leadership Coach , Entrepreneur and Philanthropist . You can commune with him via email at : Ltmarumahoko @ bplafricaconnect . com .