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elections in Benin , which have included the opposition . In addition , there will be more political activities across the continent in 2023 compared to 2022 . Most of this will be in West Africa , especially with Presidential elections in Nigeria , Gabon , Sierra Leone , and Liberia . Others will be in the Democratic Republic of Congo , Madagascar , Sudan , South Sudan , and Zimbabwe .
However , the geo-political risks are still high , especially as these tend to accelerate during elections and other such key political activities .
Peace dividends
The concerted efforts for peace initiatives in key large markets such as Democratic Republic of Congo ( DRC ), Ethiopia and other crucial markets across the continent could be key in opening new markets in the region . The DRC formally joined the East Africa Community and is expected to be one of the key markets to drive growth in the EAC . The community could also see the start of the process in integrating Somalia as part of the EAC .
The coup and other related military effects have also reduced , though the impact in a number of countries such as Burkina Faso , and previous attempts in Chad , Guinea , Mali , Sudan Central Africa Republic and Niger , could still have an impact in 2023 . Like political events , geo-politics and other external factors greatly contribute to these activities .
Climate change , drought , famine , and other related activities
The persistent drought in the horn of Africa not only affects livelihood , but also markets . Peoples share of wallets on food and other basic products increases , leaving out any spending in other areas . Companies are also not only impacted by the lower spending but also end up redirecting some budgets for social support and for communities affected by famine . The impact of the drought , loss of regular season crop cycles , overall loss of livelihood among other factors have raised awareness on environment and sustainability . It is now mainstream discussion , not just a policy topic .
This implies marketers must now consider such overlying topics and discussions as part of mainstream marketing initiatives
even within local levels in the continent .
Labour movement
Competition from markets within and outside of Africa . One of the key results from the Covid-19 pandemic was the impact on the overall labour market . Shortages in workforce in some sectors and in markets around the world is yet to be resolved . The world is opening again as previously imposed travel restrictions due to the pandemic have been dropped and expectedly there is movement of labour within as well as out of the continent .
Importance of education and a deepening use of digital tools
We should expect to see the education sector across Africa being placed on a higher priority across the continent , from basic to higher levels of education . Did you know before the launch of the much-talked about ChatGPT , it had language moderation centre in Africa ? We should expect to see more initiatives in the education and wider technology in place . This implies marketers will continue to work with a market base that is not only more knowledgeable , inquisitive but also technologically savvy .
Energy prices
The high energy prices in 2022 had an impact across markets . Given the multiplier effect of energy prices within economies , the markets , especially net energy importers , have had to reprioritise their spending . Remember the impact of currency , point 1 above ? The cost of transporting products and people across markets went up , and this is expected to remain high even in 2023 . This could be triggering points for market slowdown , especially if the mitigating factors to address the shortages / price spikes are not as effective as possible .
Inward looking
Local and regional initiatives to solve challenges facing the continent will be key in addressing market challenges within the continent . From food to education to technology , there will be more focus on local solutions . The same thing will apply to marketing activities , communication , and advertising , where local / regional identity will play a key role in people resonating with brands . The choice of channel , medium ( whether traditional or digital ), or even influencers one choses will need to resonate with the local audience .
Will the AfCFTA and other intra- Africa initiatives also call for localized communication or will it call for a pan- African communication ? Only time will tell .
Isaac Ngatia is a marketing research consultant within the Africa and Middle East region . You can reach him on this and related issue via email at : Itngatia @ gmail . com or on Twitter @ IsaacTN .