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Overall people want more business leadership to get involved in the climate conversation , demonstrate tangible progress , focus on long-term thinking over short-term gain and provide trustworthy information .
As conversation around the outcomes of COP and climate impact continue to gain momentum , these conversations are expected to translate and disseminate into our culture and way of life and will soon gain critical mass and impact the choice of suppliers and business partners that we engage with . Eco-hotels and Eco-vehicles are already in existence . Suppliers of plastic water bottles and soap can be impacted by a simple decision by governments and hotels to go eco with a single policy . It is already an extremely challenging time for businesses and these discussions will only serve to increase the pressure around aligning operations to the ESG and global sustainability goals .
Sustainability like any other issue in business requires management support and informed strategy for its full and proper implementation , these can include big shifts in processes . The R & D for many products and innovations often begins with a creative team that sits production and of which marketing and communication is a critical player because of brand health tracker findings and customer feedback . There is already an expectation from the customers we serve for businesses to take charge and play a bigger role in the process , leading policy formulation and informing governments on methodologies and initiatives that can be designed with these requirements in mind .
Talise Water Advert Half Page Horizontal 21cm by 14cm Outlined . pdf 1 9 / 9 / 2020 3:20:01 PM

Overall people want more business leadership to get involved in the climate conversation , demonstrate tangible progress , focus on long-term thinking over short-term gain and provide trustworthy information .
COP27 should therefore matter to all businesses . The trust findings and loyalty indexes of the public points to the climate crisis being an issue that is worrying consumers at all levels - the young and the old - and businesses must begin to design and embed operations with this in mind . The impact on sales may not be black and white , but it is not far away .
In most developed countries , the need for clear ESG reporting is already happening . It is in Africa where we need more than business alignment and education to help the population understand that climate change is everyone ’ s problem .
Tougher than it looks at face value but can be done if cheaper and more sustainable energy solutions such as solar home solutions are made readily available to these segments of people , products are packaged to suit their needs while offering them meaningful solutions that will reduce pollution such as menstrual cups , addressing their concerns by educating them on alternative employment solutions to reduce logging and deforestation and working towards developing rural access to water so that while the policies and laws are shifting , the most vulnerable groups are also shifting with it .
Brands can lead this change , product by product , piece by piece . A top-down approach will definitely throw organizations off tangent , have a large impact on vulnerable groups and only prolong the climate crisis .
Diana Obath is a seasoned Public Relations and Communications Specialist . You can commune with her on this or related issues via mail on : ObathD @ gmail . com .