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In Darwin ’ s famous theory of evolution , survival depends on the ability to change and adapt . Those species that don ’ t adapt to an altering environment simply die out . Instinctively , every one of us knows this .
In business circles it is commonly said that innovation is the only imperative . Without innovation , a business is sure of demise and whilst innovative , a business is sure to thrive .
Innovation types are classified by their degree , that is , incremental and disruptive , and by the objects of innovation , that is , business model , product , process , and service . To achieve innovation whichever method a business uses requires a perspective that considers the difference between creativity and innovation . Creativity is the collection of new and appropriate ideas whereas innovation is the filtering out of these ideas into feasible ones and implementing them . Many businesses stop at creativity as they do not have the right systems in place to turn these creative ideas into innovations . The first , and possibly most prominent roadblock to this transition from creativity to innovation is culture .
An organization ’ s culture , its beliefs , values , expectations , practices , and ways of interacting speaks to the general vibe of an organization or what some would call , ‘ how we do things around here .’ A culture of innovation thus refers to the continuous entrenching of innovation as part of the organization ’ s norms and practices .
Whilst most of us would like to believe that we are open to ideas , taking risks , and accepting change , practically speaking in most situations this is not the case . From an early age we are made to believe that mistakes and failure are bad , unacceptable things and it becomes hard to undo this deep-seated belief when older .

In Darwin ’ s famous theory of evolution , survival depends on the ability to change and adapt . Those species that don ’ t adapt to an altering environment simply die out . Instinctively , every one of us knows this .
Many organizations have tried and tested ways of doing things and leaders in these organizations may inadvertently block the transition of creativity to innovation to protect that which works and results in revenue . Culture is typically set by those at the top . If the tendency is to avoid novelty and crush ideas , especially those that seem too out there , then that will trickle down to the rest of the organization and staff will know to stick to what they are told to do .
Possibly , the solution to this is to focus 80 % of resources on incremental innovation , looking at the core business and 20 % of resources on the not so core business ( e . g ., exploring new ideas of products , distribution channels , etc .). This keeps the business relevant as it continuously improves on its core offering whilst also remaining open to changes that are happening that could fundamentally reshape how business is run .
Everyone is creative including the end users of innovation . Early innovators and adopters typically have plenty of ideas about how to improve what they are using and so it ’ s best to include them in the process . Prototyping and test marketing lets organizations observe users ’ reactions to new ideas and to add their own . Companies such as Microsoft , Linux , and Apple have worked with end users to improve their products .
Ideas that fuel innovation can equally also come from outside networks such as universities , research centers , suppliers , distributors , amongst others . Internally , the tendency of relegating creativity to the ‘ creatives ’ or research and development function should be discouraged . Every person has ideas to offer no matter their title .
In conclusion , the innovative organization can answer yes to the statements below :
• We have a clear process to make innovation happen .
• We have a supportive organization whose structures , systems , and environment enable people to come up with ideas , share them , and build on ideas from others .
• We have a network system to ensure the flow of ideas from outside the organization .
• We can act on ideas ( filtering them , determining the feasible , and developing innovations ) in optimal time frames .
• Our reward and recognition systems support innovation .
• Our communication is effective , working top-down , bottom-up and across the organization .
• We work well in teams , and
• We have clear metrics for innovation .
What is now proved was once only imagined - William Blake .
Marion Wakahe is a marketing professional who is passionate about business growth and sustainability and its role in peoples ’ empowerment . She is of the opinion that the marketing function is the primary driver of business growth . You can engage with her via email : MWakahe @ gmail . com .