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by extension we would be late to school , work or elsewhere .
Many other days there would be mad traffic snurl ups . Matatus would then find alternative routes through Baba Dogo , Huruma , Pangani , Kariokor then town . Other days they would turn into Mathare North into Eastleigh , Kamukunji then town . All these different routes would finally get us into town . Life lesson here , there are many ways you can employ to reach your goal .
The encounters on each route would be different and my prayers would also change and increase with each . I became more grateful of where I was in life , I became aware of the many scenarios that required our collective input as government , private sector and civil society .
This brings us to the next five things I want us to consider as we determine our true north in all our different adventure pursuits and journeys . These insights have been proven to build up a sustainable , accountable and progressive organizational culture . Remember the organizational culture of your home , business and organization is amorphous and delicate . It requires deliberate investment and clear policy initiatives as a leader or catalyst player for better service delivery .
Appreciate More
We live in a world of motions and this means there is a lot of commotion . Dreams will clash , egos will cross each other and our different personalities will rub on each other . Let ’ s be deliberate to look at the good always . Let ’ s celebrate the good we see and promote strengths as often as we can .
Be thankful for your entire team . Take time to know the strengths of each team member . Be appreciative of their efforts to the team and their individuality . We can get more by being gracious than being harsh . We can give direction in dignified appreciation than demeaning strictness .
Build Collaboratively
Life is one big collaboration . The universe works in step with each significant part of the global matrix . The poison in one fruit is important in the making of nutrients for the sweetest fruit . When we take on projects , learn your team and be intentional in building together . There is no harm when we step up to help a slow team player . The team is glorified when we win as a unit . The victory of a disjointed team is always a precursor to bigger defeats .
Any weakness in a given team player can be complemented by the strengths of another team member . We don ’ t have all to write with our right-hand , left-handed people can do the job as well . Be open that even those with no hands can write with their feet , stumps , mouth or whatever else . Be open to build up each team member then the individual tasks they undertake can be done effectively .
Criticize Constructively
We are in motion as we pursue dreams and live our lives . This means we wear out and need mending often . In any given team , lets strive to criticize with a view of building up rather than breaking down . A fault by a team member could be a cry for the team to take a break . It could be a symptom of governance failure in the organizations processes or procedures . A mistake could also mean lack of all the necessary tools and help for the teams ’ delivery .
A lack of requisite resources in any given organization makes team members to improvise . Often their improvisation is never celebrated or worse never substituted by proper systems . I have seen many primary teachers improvise learning aids . So , before you criticize students ’ performance , review their working environment . When we criticize constructively then we involve the team player in question to help come up with solutions rather than just lay blame .
Demand with decorum
We have deadlines , we have deliverables and we will always have the life critical ones in our lives . It is therefore inevitable that a lot will be demanded from us . We will require to be alert longer , present beyond our ability and more . We need to find recharge , rest and fun within these very demanding times . Create an environment that teams feel safe to be vulnerable in . This is as important to the star performing team members as it is to the average ones .
A few minutes time out , an hour or a day off could be a big relief to a team member . That little rest may be the missing ingredient to their stellar performance . Yes , we are pressured to deliver by circumstance and the king ( read client ) it is divine when we demand top notch delivery with decorum . We can be courteous in our demand for quality , punctuality and value .
Engage humanly
Our pursuits have to be calculated and measured for them to be meaningful . We chart our paths ; we create milestones and tabulate our achievements . We measure progress , we take stock of our time and evaluate our relationships from time to time . In our quest to accomplish our goals and follow through on our dreams we may find ourselves pushing many aside or casually dealing with others . We demand courtesy but fall short in offering the same in our life ’ s different journeys .
The new era of customer relationship management embraces the human way of doing things . Saying thank you often through texts , emails and public announcements via different channels . It is all about engaging beyond the sale . Celebrating milestones of clients like birthdays , anniversaries , triumphs and standing with them in the tough times . As much as we strive to use these as avenues to make more sales and grow exponentially ; lets also be deliberate to do the same if not more for the team members in our circles . Use hand written letters , cards and notes internally . Do face to face meetings for the commemorations , show up when they are struggling and give that hug , pat or encouragement in person . Call them up to catch up , to congratulate them , to be in solidarity in their dark days and so much more .
When a team member know they have the full backing of their leaders then their stellar performance is assured . Being human may require that we break protocol or bend the rules but then the benefits thereof are immense .
Our true north is being human , engaging each other with decorum and respect . Seeking to understand before we respond . Pursuing peace by being gracious and less combative . Making bridges within our interactions as we collaborate through life . Ensuring that our motions within our journeys are more of dances than fights .
Remember the greatest heroes amongst us are those whose pursuits are for the greater good of humanity than selfish ambition .
Lunani Joseph is a Technology & Governance Analyst . He is the Managing Director of Insynque Solutions a technology & value addition firm that helps her clients leverage on ICT to deliver on their mandate effectively and efficiently . He can be reached at : JLunani @ insynqueafrica . com .