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Because AI can process data , run thousands of experiments , & learn from the results of these tests , it has become an essential tool for marketers looking to create personalized experiences that engage their potential customers .
a university for my son , I encountered some of the most fascinating virtual tours , thanks to the marketers in those institutions .
Augmented Reality Marketing
Augmented Reality ( AR ) is another technology that has been around for a while but has recently seen a surge in popularity among marketers . AR is similar to VR in that it allows brands to create “ digital ” objects that can then be “ placed ” in the physical world through special apps . AR technology has been applied to many different industries , but one of its most popular uses is in marketing . In fact , several major brands have already used AR to create experiences that allow consumers to interact with their products . For example , Gillette created an AR app that allows men to virtually try on different styles of shaving products and see how they look and fit on their face . This type of experience allows customers to virtually try their products before they make a purchase , which helps reduce cart abandonment and encourages more sales .
Consumers are digital natives
A lot of brands have been marketing their products to an “ older ” audience for quite a while . But with the rise of Generation Z , marketers are now starting to see that many of the people they want to reach are not “ digital immigrants ” but “ digital natives ”. This means that millennials and Generation Z consumers grew up with technology and have always been surrounded by computers , smartphones , and the internet . Because of this , they are more accustomed to navigating digital systems and navigating the internet than their older counterparts . This has important implications for marketers looking to reach this new generation . For example , you ’ re likely to see a lot more people who prefer to communicate and interact online rather than on the phone .
Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) Will Be The Steering Wheel Of Marketing Strategy
Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) has always

Because AI can process data , run thousands of experiments , & learn from the results of these tests , it has become an essential tool for marketers looking to create personalized experiences that engage their potential customers .
been a part of marketing in one way or another . There are several AI-based tools that marketers have been using for years to help them with everything from managing customer data to creating personalized content for each customer . But as AI becomes increasingly sophisticated and accessible , it ’ s likely to play a much more prominent role in marketing .
Because AI can process data , run thousands of experiments , and learn from the results of these tests , it has become an essential tool for marketers looking to create personalized experiences that engage their potential customers . With the right AI tools , marketers can create personalized marketing experiences that speak to each individual customer based on their preferences , interests , and buying history . This type of personalized experience is essential if brands want to increase engagement and sales while reducing the number of potential customers who feel like they ’ re being pushed to buy something they don ’ t want or need .
Artificial Intelligence-based Influencer Marketing
The rise of AI has also allowed marketers to employ a new type of influencer marketing that relies on data and machine learning rather than human judgment . At its core , influencer marketing is about getting your products in front of the people who are likely to purchase them . In the past , brands used several different strategies to find and work with influencers , from relying on human judgment to using software that finds and evaluates potential influencers based on their reach and engagement .
But as marketers increasingly rely on AI to help them manage their data and automate their processes , we ’ re likely to see this type of software used to find and manage influencers as well . This would be a welcome change since it means that brands will be able to find more influencers who truly fit their target audience and won ’ t have to rely on the judgment of a person who might be biased or simply unable to find the perfect fit .
Mobile Marketing Is Only Going to Get Bigger
Another trend that is likely to continue for the foreseeable future is the increased use of smartphones and other mobile devices for marketing purposes . More and more people are using their smartphones to shop online , and businesses are taking note .
How do you engage with customers who are using smartphones to shop ? The answer is simple : you make your marketing more mobile-friendly . You make sure that your website loads quickly on all devices . You use clean , simple language that is easy to read on a small screen . You make sure that all your images and other visuals are just as easy to read .
The days of expecting people to shop on desktop computers are over . The only way to market successfully in this environment is to make sure that your marketing is mobilefriendly . Recently I ordered a product from a link on a Candy Crush game ad and the next day they called to deliver it . I think it took me seconds to make that order . I found the process extremely simplified and suitable for mobile .
Personalization Is Key to Marketing Success
Personalization is something that has been important for marketing for some time , but it has become even more important as the Internet has become more crowded . In an environment where millions of people are trying to grab customers ’ attention , you can ’ t rely only on flashy graphics and loud sales messages . You need to be subtle . You
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