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We ’ re living in a digital age where people are more aware than ever before of tricks brands use to sell them things they don ’ t need or want . As a result , consumers are becoming more skeptical of marketing claims and advertisements as well as new products and services . from Web 1.0 and 2.0 . and optimizing them . It will take decentralization from Web 1.0 and user participation from Web 2.0 to create a better internet . This is where blockchain comes in . Instead of your data sitting in servers owned by big tech , it is now peer-to-peer removing the need for middlemen . In Web 3.0 we can share information knowing that it won ’ t be stored on a centralized company server .

Future Marketing Trends 2022 And Beyond : The New Generation Of Marketing

By Emma Ngutu

The world of marketing has evolved tremendously over the past few decades . From billboards to radio ads , print media to TV commercials , brands have used several traditional marketing approaches to reach their target audience and sell their products .

Unfortunately , the world is moving away from these traditional marketing practices . We ’ re living in a digital age where people are more aware than ever before of tricks brands use to sell them things they don ’ t need or want . As a result , consumers are becoming more skeptical of marketing claims and advertisements as well as new products and services . With all these changes , marketers must adopt new strategies that will allow them to connect with their target audience in a convincing but non-pushy way .
The future of marketing is even more powerful , interactive , and personal than ever . From understanding customer journeys to communicating with a live , contextual avatar ; new technologies , digital transformation , and evolving customer expectations will shift the marketing landscape . In this article , I seek to explore some of the emerging trends in the world of marketing that you should be aware of in 2022 and beyond .
Web 1.0 , 2.0 , and 3.0 .
The internet has evolved in 3 stages , Web 1.0 , Web 2.0 , and Web 3.0 .
Web 1.0 is called the ‘ read-only web ’ and was the start of the internet revolution , websites were static , there was no interaction at all , and you could not log in , comment , or engage . Today we are in Web 2 . Unlike Web 1.0 , in Web 2.0 you can now create content and engage with others . The internet shifted to platforms and gave rise to social media , user-generated content , and big tech .
The challenge with Web 2.0 is centralization . In Web 2.0 , big tech companies own your data and use it for their benefit . Web 2.0 has had enormous implications for digital marketing . Many devices are becoming smarter and more connected , which means that you can use them for marketing purposes . For example , you can put sensors on your products to track when and where customers use them . You can use connected appliances to send out marketing messages in real-time .
Web 3.0 is the next phase of the internet and it will resolve the challenges of Web 1.0 and 2.0 by taking the great attributes

We ’ re living in a digital age where people are more aware than ever before of tricks brands use to sell them things they don ’ t need or want . As a result , consumers are becoming more skeptical of marketing claims and advertisements as well as new products and services . from Web 1.0 and 2.0 . and optimizing them . It will take decentralization from Web 1.0 and user participation from Web 2.0 to create a better internet . This is where blockchain comes in . Instead of your data sitting in servers owned by big tech , it is now peer-to-peer removing the need for middlemen . In Web 3.0 we can share information knowing that it won ’ t be stored on a centralized company server .
In Web 2.0 you are a product , big tech makes lots of money off your data . In Web 3.0 , you take back your power and own your data and content and receive rewards for your participation . Some of the trends I cover will also come in more powerfully enabled by Web 3.0 .
Virtual Reality Marketing
VR is one of the most exciting and promising new technologies that marketers have been investing in over the past few years . Virtual Reality headsets have been around for decades , but due to their high cost and low functionality they never truly took off in the consumer market . What differentiates modern VR headsets is that they are much more affordable and easy to use . This is largely thanks to the emergence of VR-Ready computers and software that can easily create experiences that are compatible with these devices .
This means that anyone with a computer , a VR headset , and a bit of creativity can create experiences that can be enjoyed by people anywhere in the world . This also applies to marketers who are increasingly turning to VR to create interactive experiences and campaigns that allow consumers to explore and experience their products in a virtual environment . Recently , as I was looking for
34 MAL49 / 22 ISSUE