MAL49 MAL 49:22 | Page 32

There are just too many high-quality products out there . In essence high-quality is no longer a differentiator in the market but a permission to play . A second ingredient is required to get customers and potential customers to consider a product and that is marketing . however , some of these mantras , beliefs , etc . can be embedded and they become difficult to undo . These are self-limiting beliefs , and they can be crippling .

The Art Of Self-Promotion

By Marion Wakahe

A company that embraces the product orientation is of the belief that once maximum effort is put into the development of a high-quality product then this will be its source of differentiation and preference in the market . This company ’ s efforts would be on research and product development with the belief that because of the superiority of the product , customers would ‘ beat a path to their door .’

We know today that is not enough to create a superior product and continuously make improvements . There are just too many high-quality products out there . In essence high-quality is no longer a differentiator in the market but a permission to play . A second ingredient is required to get customers and potential customers to consider a product and that is marketing .
A good number of us are like the company that believes in the product orientation . We take the time to improve ourselves intellectually , spiritually , socially , and physically . As the years go by , we accumulate the skills , experience and education that make us very good at what we do . This is not enough ; one ingredient is missing and that is self-promotion . Just like products today , there are very many , very qualified people who can do what you do , but are you known ? Grant Cardone , a leading real estate entrepreneur said that the biggest challenge faced by organizations and individuals is obscurity . He defines obscurity in two ways : I don ’ t know you ; I know you but I forgot you .
He went on to add that people don ’ t buy from companies they trust , they buy from companies they know . Now someone may argue that this is not completely true , but it does present reasonable argument . Some organizations put in the effort to promote but because these efforts are scattered and not strategic then they get forgotten . If ever you wondered why companies like Coca- Cola , Samsung , Safaricom , etc . put in as much effort into marketing although they are already well known , then the answer lies in the second point above . The lesson is that you must be seen , you must be heard .
You must be seen , and you must be heard . That is a tough one . In primary school there was this mantra , ‘ you are to be seen and not to be heard .’ I suppose that was an effort to keep pupils quiet , an effort in futility . Sadly

There are just too many high-quality products out there . In essence high-quality is no longer a differentiator in the market but a permission to play . A second ingredient is required to get customers and potential customers to consider a product and that is marketing . however , some of these mantras , beliefs , etc . can be embedded and they become difficult to undo . These are self-limiting beliefs , and they can be crippling .
I have worked as a marketing professional for some time now and I always find it surprising how it is easy for me to promote / market products and services that are separate from myself . So , for example , if I work for company Y and trying to bag a sale , I speak freely about how good the company is and how amazing the product I am trying to sell is . I take the time to speak about the features and benefits of the product and ( I believe ) because of my conviction , the person on the other end buys . When it comes to me though ….
Self-limiting beliefs , fear and doubt are the brutes that have stopped many from rising . In many situations , we must be our own advocates . At work , the idea of our efforts speaking for themselves is false and outdated . You must drive your own story !
Self-promotion however is not easy . None of us wants to seem like that annoying person who only speaks of themselves , the brag who has nothing to do but keep showcasing to everyone their personal achievements .
And yet , we all know that without it , we can ’ t grow . To get married , to get a job , to succeed as an entrepreneur , to succeed as a consultant , requires engaging in selfpromotion , consciously or sub-consciously .
When self-promotion is done well , that is , matching style with substance , you give yourself room to be seen as an effective communicator increasing chances to build relationships and share very needed
32 MAL49 / 22 ISSUE