MAL49 MAL 49:22 | Page 28

While digital fatigue has increased in recent times , the problem has been accelerated due to a lack of personalization , which forces consumers to interact with irrelevant and untimely marketing messages and content . unique ways . Out-of-home advertising will be a very effective format to achieve this once the vaccine is available , as people will be rushing outside and will be more aware of their surroundings .

Consumers Going Numb To Digital Ads !

By Joe Nyutu

Seth Godin , the author of Purple Cow says “ Don ’ t find customers for your products , find products for you customers .” Remember digital marketing includes Social Media Marketing , Search Engine Optimization , Search Engine Marketing , Affiliate marketing , and Email Marketing . They are moving at a rapid growth pace and everyone is interested in that . If your company is not yet there , then I can ’ t explain how much you have missed out so far . From just email marketing and radio ads , we have moved to userbased customized marketing , experiential marketing , and virtual reality tools . Marketing has moved to Omni channel and Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning-based end-user tracking .

However visual numbness is creeping in because of various reasons like Ad stalking , marketing overdose , untimely and unwanted notifications , and unintelligent algorithms . Your mailbox is filled with loads of ad mails and so is the SMS inbox . You understand , that the day it enters into personal chat spaces like WhatsApp , Telegram , is also not so far away . Most consumers now proactively avoid advertising , whether by using ad blockers , paying for ad-free digital media experiences , or skipping ads . But even with incentives to view ads or share data , such as free content or rewards , many still aren ’ t comfortable with how companies use their data to target them with ads .
Keeping customers engaged is an ongoing task that never seems to slow down . Finding that happy balance between providing consistent and relevant content without overwhelming the target audience is a challenge that every marketing team goes through at some stage . Nowadays , that challenge has become even greater as consumers have been spending far more time glued to their screens than ever before due to the pandemic . Be reminded that consumers are feeling the effects as their favorite companies have bombarded them with virtual events , live streams and more to adjust to the lack of in-person events . Unfortunately for businesses , these events are now beginning to create digital fatigue that makes customer engagement even more challenging .
Consumers are numb to digital advertising . Consumers have been in front of screens , locked in their homes , for most of corona times in 2020 and now in 2022 . Brands need to think beyond this go-to media format to re-engage with their customers in

While digital fatigue has increased in recent times , the problem has been accelerated due to a lack of personalization , which forces consumers to interact with irrelevant and untimely marketing messages and content . unique ways . Out-of-home advertising will be a very effective format to achieve this once the vaccine is available , as people will be rushing outside and will be more aware of their surroundings .
In the predigital days , advertising agencies were ruled by swaggering creative directors who gorged on lavish client contracts and sometimes created campaigns that set the cultural agenda and captivated the public . Agencies are better informed than ever before about consumers , having amassed big data . But many of those consumers , especially the affluent young people prized by advertisers , hate ads so much that they are paying to avoid them .
Notice it is harder to reach audiences , the cost of marketing is going up , the number of channels has exponentially proliferated and the cost to cover all of those channels has escalated . It is a continual pressure for marketers - marketers are no longer just creating advertising campaigns three or four times a year and running them across a few networks and print . As advertisers bombard consumers across platforms like Twitch , Facebook , television , billboards and more , consumers are trying to get away , signing up for ad blockers and subscription services .
Internet users mainly use ad blockers to avoid intrusive , interruptive , or repetitive ads and get faster page speeds , as high AD loads can affect page loading times . But data privacy concerns also drive some people to use ad blockers to prevent tracking .
Digital fatigue is that point of mental exhaustion when people have been exposed to digital applications and tools for a long
28 MAL49 / 22 ISSUE