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In seeking comfort , we stagnate . The best way to overcome the fear of the unknown is to START ! Start before you are ready , then learn and grow as you figure things out . Choose projects that scare you , and always remember that growth happens on the other side of fear . can do what you do better than you . The remaining 10 % is your differentiating factor . Realizing that there is a uniqueness you bring is liberating , yet it requires a level of intentional application of self in order to stand out . Once you figure out your gift , use it to make a difference . This is your superpower .

Everything Is Figureoutable

By Senorine Wasike

I finally got to read Marie Forleo ’ s Everything Is Figureoutable book . According to Marie , most life situations we face are usually not as complicated as we think . Just because something or a situation has not been figured out doesn ’ t mean it cannot be figured out . If we care enough , we will figure it out .

This column is dedicated to anyone who is figuring out a new phase in their lives , both personal and career . It is also a reflection of my new leadership career journey that has allowed me to figure many things out .
Do it Scared
We call it the deep end , the place that requires us to start a new and difficult activity when we are not fully prepared or ready to do it . Avoiding things that scare us may momentarily feel right but causes more harm in the long term . In seeking comfort , we stagnate . The best way to overcome the fear of the unknown is to START ! Start before you are ready , then learn and grow as you figure things out . Choose projects that scare you , and always remember that growth happens on the other side of fear .
Progress over Perfection
Small but sustainable daily practices allow you to have sight of the goal but still make progress . James Clear calls them atomic habits , regular routines that are not only small and easy to do but are also the source of incredible power . We all can attest to the overwhelming satisfaction of getting something done . Instead of waiting to perfect , put your work out there , get feedback , and iterate as you go . Good enough and done is better than perfect & pending because it allows you to focus on the task and enjoy the journey .
The journey of progress has moments of selfdoubt . If you feel doubtful , take it as a signal of you going beyond your comfort zone and keep going . More importantly , getting done is usually the start of something new ; we feel stuck by not making progress ( getting it done ).
You are Unique and Gifted
Did you know that 45 % of people can do what you currently do ? Another 45 %

In seeking comfort , we stagnate . The best way to overcome the fear of the unknown is to START ! Start before you are ready , then learn and grow as you figure things out . Choose projects that scare you , and always remember that growth happens on the other side of fear . can do what you do better than you . The remaining 10 % is your differentiating factor . Realizing that there is a uniqueness you bring is liberating , yet it requires a level of intentional application of self in order to stand out . Once you figure out your gift , use it to make a difference . This is your superpower .
Self believe is linked to your uniqueness and is truly your superpower . Believing in yourself unleashes creative thinking that allows you to solve difficult problems . When we think positively we exude relentless optimism , an essential ingredient of managing setbacks . Trusting your choices , skills , and values will give you the confidence to make the right decisions and maximize the opportunities around you . Self-believers know that being criticized and judged is part of the journey . They don ’ t get obsessed with being liked .
Bringing it all together
The self-belief that we can figure things out is scientifically proven to trigger positive thinking . When we think positively , we adopt a growth mindset . If you ever face a situation where you can ’ t figure things out , believe you can , do it scared , aim for progress , not perfection and use your gift as your differentiator . If we care enough , we will figure it out .
Senorine Wasike is a Strategy and Innovation scholar with over 10 years ’ corporate experience . She currently heads marketing at Kenya Wine Agencies ( KWAL ). You can commune with her on email at : Senorine . Wasike @ gmail . com .
18 MAL49 / 22 ISSUE