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The marketing funnel is opening up and integration on mobile is a new stream . Mobile marketing is a sophisticated sector and there is more fragmentation and innovation daily . It is beneficial for marketers to pay close attention to trends and to explore new channels , creatives , and new target groups as they evolve .
line with their male counterparts .
These statistics show why we need to begin to pay significant attention to women in gaming . Women gamers log on and stay on . They consider gaming part of their daily routine for entertainment and relaxation and spend up to 53 minutes a day on average on the apps . They play a variety of games and unlike their male counterparts , they do gaming for relaxation and not to compete and win .
The 2022 Mobile Marketing Handbook reveals that women prefer action games , board games , card games , casual games , question and answer ( quickfire ) games and strategy games . This knowledge is valuable for media planning and audience targeting to unlock maximum ROI on campaigns beyond the traditional social media platforms .
The Non-Urban Connected Consumer
The non-urban connected consumer has revealed a new form of m-commerce termed as teleshopping . Access to smartphones is a significant contributor to the growth of teleshopping particularly in rural areas where consumers were pushed to explore digital solutions and leapfrogged into m-commerce . Increase investments in this space have also fueled the boom with numerous startups receiving funding to support the non-urban connected consumer in their e-commerce ventures . Performance driven advertising , programmatic mobile video and a mature mobile money economy also led to the acceleration of rural m-commerce which has now stuck and is a key feature for the connected rural online shopper .
It goes without saying that the growth of rural m-commerce has been facilitated by apps that support the non-urban consumer to access goods and services that they would not easily be able to reach . Many e-commerce companies are now exploring tier 2 and tier 3 towns and targeting female consumers who tend to be more aspirational in their household needs than men . They also value convenience and depend on the reliability , immediate impact , trust , differentiation and versatility that teleshopping offers .
For rural e-commerce , the rise in lastmile delivery to the tier 2 and tier 3 towns has broken the barrier to logistical issues

The marketing funnel is opening up and integration on mobile is a new stream . Mobile marketing is a sophisticated sector and there is more fragmentation and innovation daily . It is beneficial for marketers to pay close attention to trends and to explore new channels , creatives , and new target groups as they evolve .
that previously stood in the way of access to luxury goods for these customers . The entry of new last-mile companies such as Copia , Market Force and Wasoko now offer services in rural areas delivering items through agents using the Amazon model . The models these companies use reduces delivery timelines and allow a higher volume of deliveries to rural towns introducing a new side to m-commerce .
This is just the beginning of the impact that marketers can expect to see with the growth of rural m-commerce . With increased access to more modern household items , a notable shift in consumption is in the offing . Beyond B2C marketing , there will be a need for B2C marketing especially targeting telemarketing apps by these lastmile companies . These brands are leveraging live commerce or video commerce to connect with their customers who are in rural areas through testimonials on social media or online . The live commerce allows the connected rural consumer to experience an authentic and immersive experience provided by their influencers , prompting belief and trial . The hyperlocal focus is further enhanced by retargeting and remarketing which increases top of mind awareness and encourages adoption creating a familiar bonding with the customers .
The marketing funnel is opening up and integration on mobile is a new stream . Mobile marketing is a sophisticated sector and there is more fragmentation and innovation daily . It is beneficial for marketers to pay close attention to trends and to explore new channels , creatives , and new target groups as they evolve .
Depending on the product or services that the organization offers , looking beyond Gen Z may the place you find the sweet spot .
The advantage of data in mobile marketing should never be downplayed as it becomes critical when adding new channels to your marketing campaigns , creating granular performance alerts and metrics , evaluation and measurement , accelerating campaigns and building competitive advantage .
The digital revolution has increased expectations from consumers , brands , agencies and media owners in a highly VUCA ecosystem . Marketing professionals will need to develop pillars around people , partners and reliable platforms to keep at pace with the trends . The smartphone is closer than a brother to most consumers and should become a key component in marketing strategies to help identify , engage and acquire audiences .
The key remains in creating valuable marketing experiences by clearly defining your objectives , understanding your business operating environment , defining the right audience to target , employing the right strategies and tactics , experimenting with new innovations , timing campaigns well , putting in the right amount of investments in m-marketing and continuously evaluating the performance of the campaigns for maximum ROI .
Brands that falter on m-marketing will soon be left behind competition and fail to keep pace with the consumer . The clock seems to be ticking towards programmatic buying , video , gaming advertising and fragmented audience targeting . Claim your place today .
Diana Obath is a seasoned Public Relations and Communications Specialist . You can commune with her on this or related issues via mail on : ObathD @ gmail . com .