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always order from there . You like their offering and are familiar with the flavors . Then , one day you decide to try something new - after all , it may be better . Maybe you saw an advert , or a family member made a comment . And this starts your adventure exploring different pizza restaurants .
Interestingly , you will always compare the new pizzas you try to that first restaurant that you had a close affinity with . Even so , it does not mean you will immediately go back to it . You will keep experimenting .
Client relationships experience the same phases , and at some point , a client may feel that they no longer need your offering . They do not end the relationship explicitly . Instead , they may just start working with someone offering the same services as you .
There is an excellent opportunity to turn this situation around . At your next meeting , approach your long-standing client the same way you did when you first met them . Amp up your enthusiasm , share your potential value , and tie your offering to an impactful ROI . Show that you do not take the client relationship for granted .
The Clients Motivation
Why did the client hire you in the first place ? For sure , you put your best foot forward with a compelling offering that spoke to their pain points . But , the one thing that you know for sure is that you are not the only service provider or marketer knocking on the client ' s door . So , why choose you over all the others ?
You need to look back to the start of your relationship and understand the client ' s motivation . The simple reasons may be lower costs , greater control or urgent need . As a small business owner , I realize that people buy people . So that first engagement and agreement had to do with something that a member of my team or I expressed .
I find that some clients prefer to work with my business due to flexibility . Decision making happens faster , things can change on a dime , and the owner personally reviews all work .
For the most part , this has not changed , but my business has grown . As I take on larger clients and the company gets busier , some clients assume that we will soon be ‘ too busy ’ to offer a personal touch in our interactions . Rather than wait for this to happen , they move on to a smaller firm that meets this need for closer interaction .
In this instance , constant conversation and reassurance are what your client needs . So sending a message each week and calling them occasionally - just to say hello , could be the differentiator in your client retention .
Client relationships are complex , and the decision-making process is heavily influenced by factors that you know nothing about . It may be challenging for a client to put into words why they no longer want to work with you - as the reason may be more emotional than logical . When you lose a client , meaning you were not fired , but have stopped receiving jobs , take a step back to understand the true meaning of the loss .
In some cases , you may need to let them go and wish them well . Where possible , look internally and determine whether you can continue to meet the client ’ s needs or if you should painlessly move on as well . Then , to retain the client , re-invest in the relationship - bring your A-game !
Valerie Ambetsa Siganga is the Growth Strategist at Pink Africa Marketing , a Marketing Agency that helps businesses grow . You can commune with her via email at : Valerie @ pinkafricamarketing . com . www . zippy . co . ke
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