MAL43:21 | Page 80


3 Reasons You May Lose A Client And What You Can Do About It

By Valerie Ambetsa Siganga

As aptly captured by Kate Zabriskie , ‘ The customer ’ s perception is your reality .’

As a small business owner , every single client that you have is precious . In my case , I create annual plans for each client , both for their benefit and to help me forecast potential income . This allows me to allocate resources , develop growth plans , and consistently research industry innovations so that I can go beyond their needs .
Like many other business owners , the Covid-19 pandemic threw all my grand plans into disarray in 2020 . In 2021 , there was some light at the end of the tunnel . Some clients wanted to carefully venture back into the market amidst various lockdowns and infection surges .
There was a lot of starting and stopping , adjusting plans , risk management , and getting back on course . Then the inevitable happened - a long term client relationship came to an abrupt end . Another marketing firm took up my company ’ s place .
Have you ever experienced a break-up with absolutely no closure ? That is what losing a valued client feels like - especially the first time . There is no major blowout or disagreement , and you did not mess up on any particular job . Nothing really went wrong .
Clients do not typically explain why they are no longer giving you any more business . They just simply move on . If you have invested heavily in building a client partnership , it feels even worse .
Like with any break-up , I wondered what my company may have done wrong and came to the realization that there must have been some underlying factors beyond my control . Even so , my company needed to take some responsibility for the sudden loss .
From my experience as outlined , I have coined here-under three reasons that I believe can make you lose a client without notice and what you can do about it .

Client relationships are complex , and the decision-making process is heavily influenced by factors that you know nothing about . It may be challenging for a client to put into words why they no longer want to work with you - as the reason may be more emotional than logical .

Your Services are No Longer Compelling
This is painful to even think about , but I believe it is a significant reason . Somewhere during your client partnership , the following happened : You have figured the client out - your work meets their needs but lacks the ‘ WOW ’ factor ; The value that you offer is no longer well communicated or is taken for granted ; Your proposals and ideas do not link to the client ’ s highest priorities or objectives .
The saying familiarity breeds contempt comes to mind . The closer your association with your client , the faster they may lose respect for what you have to offer . When your client leaves for this reason , do not expect them to ‘ see the light ’ after experiencing offerings from the next service provider .
This means it is time for an internal evaluation . Ask yourself , have you become complacent and why ? How would a competitor approach your client to take the business from you ? Are you excited about the work you do for the client ? A deep dive into these questions may reveal why your services are no longer compelling .
Your Client is Experiencing Fatigue
Things can be great for several years , and then a secure relationship starts to go downhill . Think about ordering pizza . For some time , you will have a close relationship with one restaurant and
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