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It ’ s an unfortunate situation but there is hope . People are now cognisant of the fact that women ’ s voices need to be heard , and not just women ’ s voices but the voices of those who could be overlooked , the likes of those who are differently abled , amongst others .
In the context of organizations , women must be cognisant of the fact that people are raised in different ways and that you cannot change people , but you can influence them . Below are tips on what women , and not just women but anyone else who feels that they are not being heard at work , can do to increase their chances of being heard .
Prepare : If there is any reading or discussion that should be undertaken before the meeting then do your best to do so . Knowing clearly what is going to be discussed will increase your confidence and your chances of sharing thoughts during meetings .
Mind your body language : Even before you speak , your body and your gestures are already communicating . The more open your body , the more confident you seem . Keep your head up , broaden your shoulders and sit with your back straight . The rule is , take up as much space as possible , without appearing boorish . When you speak , also use appropriate gestures to help emphasize your points .
Believe in yourself : You have every right to be present . You are smart and worthy . Remaining mum will be doing others a disservice because they will not get to know the amazing ideas you have in mind .
Speak up : This isn ’ t the same as shouting ; it does mean that you speak in a way that every person in the room hears you clearly in order to avoid having to repeat yourself which chips at your credibility .
When you ’ re cut short : Let the person speak to the end and then speedily come in and say , “ Thank you for trying to elaborate on what I was saying but what I was actually saying …”
Avoid too many words : Women unfortunately feel the need to explain themselves in order not to come off as too strong . Being assertive does not take away from your femininity . Make sure your points are cogent and concise .
Don ’ t be self-deprecating : When recognized for an achievement , most women have a tendency to downplay the part they played . They attribute their success to something other than their talent and hard-work . As a woman this doesn ’ t help , especially if you ’ re considering moving up the corporate ladder . People who rise believe in themselves and take credit for their successes .
Avoid apologizing : Saying sorry repeatedly for unintentional and low profile errors will erode others confidence in you . Women do this hoping that it ’ ll increase their likability but nothing could be further from the truth . If you feel that you have made an error , make your apology and offer a solution as to how to move forward ; don ’ t spend too much time on the error .
Take note , don ’ t take notes : Listen keenly and only note points that you feel warrant more of your attention . If you feel you ’ d want to capture the entire meeting , you can use your phone ’ s recorder and listen later .
Listen keenly : Part of the reason why it ’ s a bad idea to take notes like a stenographer is that people doubt whether you ’ re actually listening . Listening is more than just hearing words , it ’ s also observing facial expressions and gestures . Make it clear that you are participating in the meeting by taking up postures of a listener . Look at people when they speak and nod when necessary . This way , people
feel heard , and it raises your credibility .
To the men ( and women ) who interrupt , it is important to remember that the person sharing their thoughts has every right to be heard . Let them complete their sentences , resist the assumption that you know what they will say . You can always jot down a point if you are worried you will forget it . This way , you remain respectful not just to the person sharing their views but to everyone in the space .
As mentioned , in most cases , talking over others and interrupting is rarely meant to be personal . We are all nurtured differently . Part of the emotional intelligence skills that one can add is learning peoples ’ different communication styles and altering for each style .
Personally , I am happy to see many women in the marketing space sharing their voices and I am excited for a future of equality in voice for all fields .
Marion Wakahe is a marketing professional who is passionate about business growth and sustainability and its role in peoples ’ empowerment . She is of the opinion that the marketing function is the primary driver of business growth . You can engage with her via email : MWakahe @ gmail . com .