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because you ’ re prioritizing short-term changes over long-term health benefits . Instead of making a plan to follow yet another restrictive fad diet , this New Year , make a resolution to break the dieting cycle and create a sustainable , nourishing eating pattern that works for you . The healthiest diet is one that ’ s rich in whole , nutrient-dense foods and low in heavily processed , sugary products .
A healthy , long-term diet should not only be nutritious but also adaptable , meaning you can follow it for life no matter the circumstances . A sustainable eating pattern can be maintained on vacation , during holidays , and at parties because it ’ s unrestrictive and suited to your lifestyle .
The Key Aspects Of Wellbeing !!
Wellbeing is a personal state that includes various aspects . These elements are universal across faiths , cultures , and nationalities . When we strengthen our well-being in any of these areas , we will have better days , months , and decades . Take some time to deeply consider each one and discover which parts of your own life may need more attention this year .
Health includes not only our body but our mind as well . The way we handle our emotions , attitudes , and stress . Look at the areas in your life where your body and mind might need particular attention . For example , are you getting enough sleep at night ? Poor sleep has been linked to obesity , lowered immune function , and memory problems .
Are you getting enough exercise ? Exercise is not only essential for weight management and physical health ; it improves mood and sleep patterns . Taking care of your body and responding to emotions and stress in a healthy way can create a ripple effect of positive health throughout your life .
Knowing our purpose in life calls us to examine our gifts , passions , and values , as well as the way that we can serve the needs of the world . Our purpose is where we find meaning , and it can improve our physical health , lengthen our lives , and improve our relationships with others . For many people , finding purpose is an ongoing process throughout life . Ask youself : Do I feel fulfilled ? Is what I do meaningful ? Where do I feel a connection to something larger than myself ?
The environment in which you live can affect your wellbeing . Your own mood , as well as your physical health , will reflect the environment around you . Make sure you take time to be with nature every day this year , whether that means taking a walk outside over your lunch break or putting a leafy , green plant in your kitchen .
Kepha Nyanumba is a working as a Consultant Nutritionist at Crystal Health Consultants Limited . You can engage him on this or related matters via mail : KNyanumba @ chc . co . ke .