MAL40:21 | Page 50


If you are in the start , growth or exponential phase of your business , then you have probably gone over this question a couple of times “ Should my business be online or not ?” The answer is simple - yes . Times have changed . Today ’ s customer trends have shifted to being predominantly internet based . Your customers are more likely to use the internet to make their purchase decisions or to at least check out your business or product information online .
Sound Business Decisions : Web and social media analytics have come up to help you profile customers interacting with your products and services . This has proved to be a base for making progressive , sound and strategic business decisions .
Easy Location of Business by Customers : Most customers do an internet search to learn more about your product or business ; that is if they like your product or service . So if your business is not even on the internet then your chances of gaining new customers is close to zero .
Online Marketing : Marketing services and products online bridges the information and distance gap present between a customer and a business thus making the consumer purchasing process easy . Business to business communication has also been enabled via local internet domains and web hosting services .
A big part of your online presence is your domain name . A domain name is a unique identifier on the internet , which is commonly used on a website and customized email addresses . Each country has its own unique country code Top level domain name ( ccTLD ), and for Kenya it is . KE . Being a Kenyan made product , it has brought in a sense of patriotism of the Kenyan identity on the internet that every Kenyan should be part of . With a . KE domain name , other internet users can easily identify that it ’ s a Kenyan entity , brand or service .
An online presence makes it easy to harmonize online marketing activities . Through linking your social media platforms to your website and optimizing your local . KE website , you are sure to lead prospective customers to making a purchase .
With the Buy Kenya , Build Kenya initiative , the use of . KE domains means that Kenyans are essentially supporting local businesses to grow . These are majorly entities that add value to the . KE domain i . e . hosting services , and sell it to the end user . These are mostly web hosting entities and ISPs .
Buying local products supports job creation and retention by offering employment to the youth and women who are in the diverse ICT sector . This helps to lift the local economy by promoting velocity of money , savings and investments and offers consumers access to more options for the locally produced goods which are more responsive to customer needs and wants .
. KE domain names are broadly used globally , generating more revenues for the country as well as spurring growth within the E-commerce industry . Many business entities now have their services offered through various online platforms hosted on . KE domain name , which has led to their growth due to the broad reach available online and SEO benefit associated with it .
You can start your online business today by purchasing a . KE domain and creating a platform to promote your products as well as tap into online opportunities leading to a growth in customer base .
48 MAL40 / 21 ISSUE