MAL40:21 | Page 43

From these observations , it is clear , how we love , a core motivation , has been impacted and businesses directly or indirectly playing in this space will need to help consumers experience these needs amidst the pandemic . A straight example would be the role of players in the telco sector in providing opportunities for consumers to stay connected virtually .
Brands can also help consumers stay balanced by starting and leading conversations in the mental and physical well-being space , reviewing and evolving the brand assets to align with emerging interests like gaming , with the overall objective being to ensure brands or overall businesses stay relevant in the new social context .
Lastly , on the technology space , a lot has happened - perhaps with more positivity and to the benefit of businesses and brands in this space . It is anticipated that adoption of 5G globally will be accelerated but will be led by developed Asia , North America and Europe . In Africa , closing the gap of 3G and 4G will remain a priority for now . Locally , we have seen a number of aspects of life going more and more virtual as the fourth industrial revolution takes route ; home-delivery apps like Glovo , online & social media marketing , e-commerce platforms , online schooling platforms , remote working / office , online well-being programs ( fitness , counselling ), digital banking , digital insurance , digital chamas , telemedicine platforms like MyDawa , AccessAfya , virtual church / religious sessions among other observations .
The list can go on and on but the point is that a number of these aspects are likely to outlast Covid-19 and hold as new norm - for example remote working , Edtech and telemedicine . This means that there is likely to be increased demand for fast , reliable , available and affordable internet across the country that will call for acceleration of 3G , 4G & eventually , 5G coverage - a point that has implications for the players in the telco sector . As the world gets accelerated into more and more digital experiences , some customers will need support into accepting these new experiences through relevant communication and revamped customer relationship structures that ensure seamless customer journeys .
On the flipside , as technology grows more and more into aspects of day to day lives , there will be exposure to cyber security challenges which will continue being a challenge - Gartner data estimates around 86 % growth of spend on Cyber security from 2017 into 2026 . This means that locally , all players , including government will be looking at more investment in this space - already , we know the government has appointed a Data Protection Commissioner , some telco players are investing in cyber security solutions for their clients and so and so forth .
As we look into 2021 and beyond , there are very clear dynamics that have changed due to Covid-19 and directly or indirectly impacted how we live , love and also , learn - and our motivations as humans remain the same . It would be critical for businesses to consider and stay in touch with how consumers are adopting to the changes and align the 2021 plans accordingly in order to come closer to reality as far as setting targets is concerned but noting that we are indeed , entering a period of continued change . In a recently completed Ipsos poll , over 70 % of respondents felt that it will be six month or more before things get back to normal - meaning that as consumers learn to live with this level of uncertainty and struggle to get back to the world they knew before Covid-19 , businesses will also need to adopt accordingly .
Well , 2021 will be interesting to watch but all round , it will be filled with hope for better in the way we live , love and learn .
Enock Wandera currently serves as the Chief Client Officer at Ipsos Limited . You can commune with him on this and related matters on mail via : Enock . Wandera @ ipsos . com .
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