MAL40:21 | Page 31

when there is teamwork and collaboration , wonderful things can be achieved ’.
Ideas and Businesses world over face such odds as Noah or Mission Mangal ’ s team faced . Limited resources , inexperienced staff , little or no goodwill from within and without . The question is : Is your idea sound and viable ? Do you have a plan and design ? Do you have a team however small ?
If you answered yes to all the questions then nothing can stop you if you are determined enough . Coach your team to greatness . Let the small tasks be done exceptionally well . This will precipitate into cumulative success .
How do you win people with your idea ? How do you choose the people ? How do you coach your people ? There is no formula on winning people . There are those that generally like you . Others just dislike you . We have others that will believe anything you say . Another segment may question or critic you . Not that they are against you but they want details to weigh over before they support you .
The best practice is crystallizing your idea into a value preposition . Figure it out to the tiniest of details you possibly can .
Answering the what , why , how , who and when of the idea . Then model the idea or solution against a use case scenario . Determine the users and the steps they have to go through . This forms the design layout of your idea .
Choosing people is not easy . It is better when you know exactly what needs to be accomplished as tasks . With detailed tasks then you can draw a skill set matrix and thus begin the search for the people . There are tasks that can be learnt on the job . Which means you can coach people into the role . I believe the right people are those who are problem solvers , passionate , loyal and teachable . You may have seen quotes doing rounds that hire for character then teach or sharpen the skills .
The win strategy of many coaches is to see the potential in people and develop it . To sharpen an individual by encouraging them , creating a schedule for execution , creating opportunities that expose as well as compliment their efforts . Pairing them with tools , facilitating their growth and pushing them to their highest possible level . The most crucial part of coaching is to help every individual understand their weaknesses . Then see their shortcomings past the confusion of any failure . To quickly build over failure and grow to do the impossible .
When the Ark was done , every drop of sweat , blister or bruise was worth it . Noah must have pushed his wife and kids beyond their breaking point . They did achieve finesse in gigantic proportions . Kevin and the entire team at Instagram did deliver an amazing app .
Any great solution was once an idea , the open secret to their success is the people . Those that stand hidden behind the brand in operations , back office and any menial heavy lifting role . They are the reason for world re-known solutions and their continuing success . ” Great things in business are never done by one person . They ’ re done by a team of people ” - Steve Jobs .
Lunani Joseph is a Technology & Governance Analyst . He is the Managing Director of Insynque Solutions a technology & value addition firm that helps clients leverage on ICT to deliver on their mandate effectively and efficiently . He can be reached at : JLunani @ in-synque . com .