MAL39:20 | Page 80


Holiday Season And Digestive Disorders

By Kepha Nyanumba

The holiday season is the most wonderful time of the year . It ’ s a time to exchange gifts , eat and drink as we celebrate with friends and family . For those with digestive concerns , the stress and changes to routine often experienced during the holidays can make symptoms much worse than usual . The mix of overindulging in unhealthy holiday foods , and dealing with holiday stress can result in stomach pain , gas , heartburn , acid reflux , gastritis and irritable bowel syndrome . These disorders affect nutrient absorption resulting in micronutrient deficiencies .

The Science of Nutrient Absorption
You aren ’ t what you eat . But you are what your body absorbs . From a young age , we ’ re taught to always eat our fruits and vegetables . Healthy foods are packed with the vital nutrients that your body needs to function properly , and integrating them into your diet on a regular basis can seriously benefit your well-being . But even if you eat the right foods you might not feel any healthier if these nutrients aren ’ t being properly absorbed by your body . Did you know that there are specific factors that could be negatively influencing your nutrient absorption ? Everything from your diet , stress levels , and even your gut bacteria can affect the amount of vitamins and minerals that your body actually absorbs . But how are nutrients absorbed by the body ? After your meal , digestive bacteria and enzymes work to break down your food into molecules . The majority of these molecules travel into your upper small intestine , where they enter the bloodstream and make their way throughout your body to benefit you as a whole . The body depends on scores of nutrients to function at an optimal level and making sure that you ’ re absorbing nutrients properly will positively influence your overall well-being .
Make healthy fat choices . Fat-soluble vitamins rely on fat to get from the small intestine to the rest of your body . Healthy fats are necessary for storing up vitamins
A , D , E , and K . Choose healthy fats ( plant sources ) over saturated or trans fats to help your body absorb these important nutrients .
Your digestive system is enhanced by the members of your gut microbiome . That ’ s why you should include fermented foods in your diet to support healthy digestion . They help maintain healthy bacterial diversity , which assists your gut in breaking down some types of food so they can be properly absorbed . Give your body plenty of nutrients to absorb . This sounds like the most obvious advice , but it ’ s important to remember . Make a goal to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables to optimize the vitamins you ’ re getting on a daily basis . Start by eating different coloured foods to help you meet your nutrient goals . Red and orange foods have lots of vitamin A , while green veggies are packed with B vitamins , vitamin C , calcium , and iron . Colourful foods also contain phytonutrients that support good health . So , try to fill your plate with different colours to meet your daily needs .
Control your consumption of alcohol and caffeinated drinks . They decrease the absorption of nutrients by stirring up temporary inflammation of the intestinal lining , negatively impacting digestive enzymes and the gut microbiome . We live in stressful , modern times and there are certain aspects of our lifestyles that can have detrimental effects on our ability to absorb dietary nutrients . Exercise is an excellent way to de-stress , which is crucial in many ways . When you ’ re stressed , changes in the levels of your circulating hormones tend to fluctuate , which can directly affect your metabolism , nutritional balance , and even mental clarity .
Why Holiday Foods Cause Digestive Disorders
Food portions : Most people tend to overeat during holidays . The more food you eat , the more the pressure on your esophageal sphincter , the muscle that keeps digested food down where it belongs . When the pressure is great enough , food and acid will back up , causing heartburn . Too much food can also slow down your whole digestive system leading to stomachaches and constipation .
High fat and Sugary Foods : Holiday foods are generally high in sugar and fat . These foods slow down the digestion process and trigger acid reflux .
Lack of fiber : Holiday foods tend to miss fiber which helps move the contents of the large intestine along more quickly . Fiber also absorbs water , softening stools and this prevents constipation .
Eating and Drinking Fast : Eating fast or gulping drinks may make you swallow more air . This can make symptoms worse for some people . Eat and drink slowly , and chew foods well . Don ’ t use straws , chew gum , or drink fizzy drinks .
How to Avoid Digestive Disorders This Holiday
Try not to eat too much food at one time . Eat small meals throughout the day . Having smaller amounts of food in your stomach means there is less chance of stomach acid backing up into your throat . Citrus fruits and strong spices may cause heartburn for some people . The foods that bother you at one time may not bother you forever . Try adding these foods back into your diet once in a while . Choose lower fat foods . Fat takes longer to leave your stomach , which may make symptoms worse for some people . Choose lean meats and lower fat dairy products . Don ’ t lie down for 2 to 3 hours after eating to lower the chance of stomach acid backing up into your throat . Control caffeinated drinks . Excessive consumption of caffeine relaxes the muscle at the opening of the stomach , which allows stomach acid to back up into your throat . Caffeine is found in coffee , tea , energy drinks , chocolate , and some medicines .
Kepha Nyanumba is a seasoned Marketing Africa Columnist working as a Consultant Nutritionist at Crystal Health Consultants Limited . You can engage him on this or related matters via mail : KNyanumba @ chc . co . ke .
78 MAL39 / 20 ISSUE