MAL39:20 | Page 64


Business Dues That Make Or Break

By Joseph Lunani

Alexander The Great is famed as a daring warrior and a conqueror . His bravery and machismo continue to be studied and aped by those who greatness beckons at . Alexander was just a boy of many faults and nothing spectacular as he grew up . Born out of the imperfect blended family setting he had his inhibitions and prejudice from his other bigger family members notwithstanding .

What stands out is his silent observant nature that was very calculative . He also had a good ear that could peer and eavesdrop the most of confidential conversations . His mother can probably be attributed to affirming him . This affirmation gave him a tempo and anchored his ambition . He fueled his ambition with his mother ’ s dreams . Ebbing all the drops of little favors until his mustard seed faith became an unstoppable storm .
He conquered his fear , he checked his anger and cupped his boyish whims to become a warrior of great standing . He snatched every opportunity with the swiftness of a sparrow and steady footing of a cheetah . His tenacity could be compared to a tiger ’ s conviction . He went about and wherever he stepped triumph became his trail . Nothing he wanted was ever out of his reach . He crossed the borders , climbed mountains , soared over valleys and sailed the seas all in victory . His victory was so intimidating that would-be enemies cowed in submission . The world become his playground . He got what he wanted and gave anything he saw fit unto those he favored .
He dined in prestigious courts , slept in royal beds and was cuddled by queens and princesses . He literally conquered the world . No one ever fathomed to go to war with Alexander The Great . He had an incredible conquest manifest . Chronicled and proofed by an energetic loyal army of generals . With the world ’ s best arsenal

Every business that grows must come to terms that it will be run by men . Great men and women , who work hard to build the brand and protect the integrity of the business . Then there will be those who come in and realize there are loopholes and notice the business has no capacity to unhinge their craftiness . They exploit that goodwill and the cheese begins to crumble . of weaponry and artillery . Committed archers , the best horses of the desert and enviable iron wrought chariots . Who would stand in his wake ? Who would challenge Alexander The Great ?

The economic tsunami of 2006 to 2008 claimed livelihoods and ravaged investments to shreds of pitiable tatters . We witnessed the most dramatic of fallouts from the world great businesses like Enron . Exposes ’ continue to be unraveled about the excesses and wild management practices that devoured these leading business brands . In fact there are millions of people who may never recover from the devastation of that recession . Careers were ruined , years of savings swept off and pension too . Millions lost houses and many other investment schemes became just papers .
Closer home we have watched the demise of banks like Charterhouse , Imperial , Chase among others . Top chain stores like Uchumi , Nakumatt and sadly latest struggling victim Tuskys . All these businesses were top in their game . With a growing clientele and a steady cash flow to fuel their growth . They held so much goodwill that suppliers would agree to 60days up to even 120 days credit periods . I mean who would doubt a thriving business ?
These local businesses could borrow as easy as a sneeze . No worthy investor or bank would refute or question any of their financial assistance request . It was considered a favor to trade with them and so they got whatever they wanted . Some even got government sanctioned grants and bailouts . This aimed at protecting
62 MAL39 / 20 ISSUE