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product or a new practice is spread through communication from the innovators to the consuming public . Research has shown that there are specific attributes or characteristics that influence the acceptance of new products . These are presented below .
High Relative Advantage
This is the degree to which people perceive a new product as superior to existing alternatives . Think about the mobile phone compared to the landline - definitely superior . The mobile phone has a major relative advantage over landlines which helped it get quick acceptance when it was first introduced in the market . Consider M-Pesa in Kenya . It had great advantage over existing money transfer alternatives at the time of introduction and that ’ s why its sales grew very fast , reaching over 20 million customers in a few years . In a restaurant , it could be a new tasty dish that wins customers quickly overtaking existing options on the menu .
High Compatibility
This word comes from compatible . We use this word many times to refer to those in a relationship as we try to decipher how compatible they are . Compatibility is said to be a key determinant of success in marriage . Its meaning in the context of new product adoption is similar . It refers to the degree to which potential customers feel that a new product is consistent with their present needs , values and practices . The resistance to wearing masks and social distancing for some , even against the risk of the pandemic or even police harassment has to do with the lack of compatibility with people ’ s normal practices , values and lifestyles . The acceptance to wear masks and practice social distance for most , is also because its compatibility with their value for health , wellbeing and life . The health Cabinet Secretary Hon . Mutahi Kagwe told us quite early that “ If we treat this disease normally , it will treat us abnormally ” and we are starting to see his point .
Low Complexity
Complexity is the degree to which a new product is difficult to understand and use . So , products with low complexity should be easy to understand and use , and are likely to get faster adoption . Some people find it complex to understand the

Observe-ability or visibility is the extent to which a new product or product benefit can be observed or imagined or described to customers in some form or demonstrated . Products that have a high degree of social visibility are more easily accepted than those products that are used in private .

idea of wearing masks and how it works . Indeed the element of complexity is especially important when attempting to gain acceptance for high technology or complicated products . People approach buying new technology or medical products with some form of trepidation because of the inherent complexity and the need for learning . If it ’ s a medicine , you have to learn about side effects from its use and all that . The easier it is to understand and use a product is , the more likely it is to be accepted faster .
High Trial-Ability
That is the ability to try or ease of trying . Trial-ability is the degree to which a new product is easy to try in small amounts , or in a small way before full commitment . In general , frequently purchased household products tend to have qualities that make them easy to try in small sizes . We have all seen the small units or free samples of some new products in the market . The question to ask is : how does a new product lend itself to be offered in free samples ? Or can it be made in smaller than average sizes ? This is very important in stimulating new product trial because it reduces the perceived risks associated with newness . Trial-ability is vital to enabling the marketer to provide consumers with the opportunity to try new products and get direct product experience with little or no risk .
High Observability
Observe-ability or visibility is the extent to which a new product or product benefit can be observed or imagined or described to customers in some form or demonstrated . Products that have a high degree of social visibility are more easily accepted than those products that are used in private . Think of a new mobile phone or fashion item and then compare this to a hard to observe item , such as a new shaver or new mouthwash , what do you think will take longer to adopt ? Imitation plays an important role in the adoption of new products . Indeed , visibility helps the innovators and early adopters who adopt new products earlier , to introduce the products to other customers . Furthermore , visibility plays a key role in providing social proof to those who need to see others using the product in order to believe that the product works . This is why we see a lot of new models of phones . Mobile phones are always being upgraded with new features . The visible usage of mobile phones helps get attention , increase awareness , heighten interest and drive purchase action . We have all seen how some users of the new iPhone and Samsung models like to place them on the table for all to see . Visibility also makes it easier for the marketer to communicate about the product to the target customers .
So if you are planning to introduce a new product or to start a new business , you need to consider the above 5 characteristics that tend to influence faster acceptance of everything new .
Dr . Catherine Ngahu is a researcher , trainer and entrepreneur . She is the founder and Chairman of SBO Research , a company with a service footprint in 23 countries in Africa . She can be reached at : CNgahu @ sboresearch . co . ke ; Search for ‘ Catherine Ngahu ’ to follow her on You Tube .