MAL38:20 | Page 22


Hustlers ’ Political Marketing

By Joe Nyutu

The English dictionary definition of a hustler is an enterprising , determined and go-getter person . In Kenya currently , this term has been popular with the gearing up for 2022 presidential elections with one team calling itself the hustler nation identifying with the common man like boda boda riders , market sellers , jua kali artisans and low-income earners . The other team is identified as the dynasty team , supposedly politicians from the rich families .

Many people associate the term " hustler " with something negative , and several of these definitions show why . If you are an entrepreneur , though , you should want to be proud to be described as a hustler by your peers , family and community . When I say hustler , I am not talking about someone who does shady business or sells illegal products . I am talking about someone whose ambition and aspirations line up together . Someone who knows what they want and are willing to make short term sacrifices and all what it takes to get what they want and create business . In Kenya today the term hustler has been linked to political marketing meaning the lowly placed people economically as the hustler nation seeking political power which is connected to an extent to economic emancipation . Political marketing is the process by which political candidates and ideas are directed at the voters in order to satisfy their political needs and thus gain their support for the candidate and ideas in question .
A cursory comparison between marketing of goods and services , and marketing of political candidates would readily point up at least one common concept , promotion . Clearly there is quite extensive use of media by the seller and the candidate for the purposes of informing , reminding , as well as changing attitudes and behavior . Possibly , such a comparison would also indicate that both marketing of goods and services , and marketing of political candidates utilize similar tools such as market research , and various statistical

Hustlers hate the status quo . In fact , they not only despise the status quo they have a true intolerance for the idea of accepting things as they are . To be told they cannot make a difference or make change is the equivalent of slapping them in the face . Hustlers refuse to accept the status quo and strive to constantly challenge it . and computer techniques in studying the market . Although these points are essentially correct , they denote only a few of the similarities between product marketing and political marketing .

Hustlers have some pure habits that make them successful in their marketing tactics which include :
Hustlers think outside the box
Someone once said the status quo sucks . It is blunt yet full of truth . Hustlers hate the status quo . In fact , they not only despise the status quo they have a true intolerance for the idea of accepting things as they are . To be told they cannot make a difference or make change is the equivalent of slapping them in the face . Hustlers refuse to accept the status quo and strive to constantly challenge it . One of the biggest business clichés is ‘ thinking outside the box ,’ and it ’ s a characteristic all successful hustlers possess . They approach opportunities , situations and problems in innovative and different ways - completely opposite of how most people would . Their unique way of identifying opportunities and solving problems allow them to succeed where most would fail . Hustlers are always thinking - their mind never pauses for a break .
Most people never get beyond the tasks in Quadrant 1 in time management matrix by late Dr Stephen Covey in his book , Habits of Highly Effective People , which means crises , pressing problem solving and deadline driven projects . They
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