MAL 50:22 | Page 96

Ochieng was in no doubt that God was English as there were several depiction of god as a white person and the devil as black to convince many that the ways of the African were certainly erroneous . Speaking English was a step closer to the true god .

On The End Of An Era

That was a week that Ochieng particularly dreaded as it was his duty to hoist the school flag at six in the morning and lower it at six in the evening without fail and as if to make sure that the duty was carried out properly the missionary British headmaster was always in attendance .

Ochieng and the unfortunate bugler Hezekiah would be at the flag pole at a quarter to six sharp and the head master would already be there looking as if he had spent the whole night there just waiting to see whether they dared shirk of their duty .
He would then proceed to inspect the boys who had to be wearing their Sunday best although it was not Sunday . Wearing Sunday best just meant that the uniform that they wore everyday was clean and ironed as per the headmaster ’ s peculiar standards .
He would then proceed to inspect their bare feet to confirm that

Ochieng was in no doubt that God was English as there were several depiction of god as a white person and the devil as black to convince many that the ways of the African were certainly erroneous . Speaking English was a step closer to the true god .
96 MAL50 / 22 ISSUE