MAL 50:22 | Page 88

How do you look at life ? What do you mostly think about ? How do you relate with yourself ? How high is your self-awareness ? Do you like and accept yourself ? What attitudes do you have ? Are they positive or negative ? Healthy or unhealthy ? How have they shaped your worldview ? your desired results . No one can take charge of you , except yourself . You make the choices . You make the decisions . You act ( or not ), and the results follow .

E . X . T . R . A . P . O . L . A . T . I . O . N : Daily Choices To Change Your Life ’ s Trajectory

Caroline Nyamwaya Mwazi

Take a moment to think about your life ’ s trajectory . If you carry on as you are , changing nothing , where will you be 10 years from today ? Consider this in detail , including the overall quality of your life . What do you see ? Do you like it ?

The dictionary definition of extrapolation is extending the application of a method to an unknown situation by assuming that existing trends will continue or similar methods will be applicable . We are products of our choices . If you don ’ t change your inputs , your outputs are guaranteed to stay the same . As Anthony Robbins said , ‘ If you do what you ’ ve always done , you ’ ll get what you ’ ve always gotten .’ The choices you have made brought you where you are , and if you want different results , you need to make different choices . In this edition we look at eight areas in which you need to do this to wholistically enrich your life , achieve more , and realize your desired vision .
Man is body , soul , and spirit . Building your spiritual side leads to effectiveness in all the other areas of your life . This includes making time to regularly connect with your maker , and walking in faith , hope and love , authentically embodying integrity , gratitude , generosity , and good character among other positive traits .
Research indicates that those with a belief system demonstrate more resilience and hope in life . This is borne out by Jewish psychologist Victor Frankl in Man ’ s Search for Meaning , where he reports that during World War II , Nazi concentration camp inmates who gave up hope of regaining freedom tended to die faster than those who kept hope alive .
How do you look at life ? What do you mostly think about ? How do you relate with yourself ? How high is your self-awareness ? Do you like and accept yourself ? What attitudes do you have ? Are they positive or negative ? Healthy or unhealthy ? How have they shaped your worldview ?
You are what you mostly think about . Your thoughts influence your feelings , actions , and , ultimately , your results . Your discipline and habits lead you closer or further from

How do you look at life ? What do you mostly think about ? How do you relate with yourself ? How high is your self-awareness ? Do you like and accept yourself ? What attitudes do you have ? Are they positive or negative ? Healthy or unhealthy ? How have they shaped your worldview ? your desired results . No one can take charge of you , except yourself . You make the choices . You make the decisions . You act ( or not ), and the results follow .
Think through your personal , inner life , and choose to eliminate negative attitudes , habits and actions , and adapt positive ones . Get help through a coach or therapist if needed . Grow your self-awareness by noticing yourself more , and getting feedback from others . Additionally , start making better decisions , and intentionally taking the right actions that will lead to the results you want .
Physical Wellness
Physical wellness is key to living a full life and achieving your goals . You can ’ t achieve top performance with an unhealthy body , yet we often treat our bodies badly , overeating , eating junk food and neglecting to exercise , having too many late nights and over-consuming alcohol . This leads to our body breaking down and attracting lifestyle diseases such as hypertension , heart disease , and diabetes . We also don ’ t give our brain a break , extending computer and phone time and relentlessly pushing ourselves to work .
Most people can tell you what it takes to have good health . We know what to do ; we just don ’ t do it . Decide to make the necessary changes to take better care of your body . While we must work hard to achieve our goals , balance this with regular , breaks including time in your week and year to rest and recuperate . Eat right , exercise regularly , drink plenty of water , and rest well . Regardless of your age , it ’ s never too late . Start today and get healthier and stronger .
88 MAL50 / 22 ISSUE