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Structure your content . That ’ s it . First , understand the purpose of your content . Is it to entertain , inform , advise , transform , or a mixture of some of these ? Once you have that on lock , stick to that purpose and be consistent about how you communicate in that vein .

10 Steps To Creating A Simple , Money-Making Marketing Funnel

By Jan Okonji

Are Social Media and Digital Marketing the answer to instantaneous business growth as you seamlessly acquire new customers for your product ? Well , the answer is yes and no .

When we use digital marketing as a tool for acquiring more paying customers we definitely have an upper hand over the dinosaurs of traditional marketing ( radio , television , newspaper , magazines et al ) through : better-targeted marketing ; proportionately lower marketing costs ; more flexibility on creativity ; and personal authenticity .
The thing is before we experience the latent effects of social media marketing there are a few prerequisites to making digital platforms work for us and one of these is knowing how to build a simple , working marketing funnel . Without this , you will inadvertently throw money into a lot of sponsored social media ads without a commensurate return on your investment . You will not make money from all those fancy social media ads you plan to do .
What ’ s a marketing funnel ? It is simply a model of the stages of the customer journey your client makes , from when they hear about your product or service to the moment they make that purchase .
Over the past 10 years , I have helped numerous startups develop marketing funnels for social media that have given them up to 20 Times the return on their digital marketing investment in just 3 months . Here-under are the 10 steps I recommend to construct a simple , working marketing funnel :
Structure your content . That ’ s it . First , understand the purpose of your content . Is it to entertain , inform , advise , transform , or a mixture of some of these ? Once you have that on lock , stick to that purpose and be consistent about how you communicate in that vein .
Good content , especially for the purpose of eventually selling a product or service : creates debate , informs , educates , and in the process transforms the mindset of the intended buyer .
I advise putting out content consistently over 6 months and creating a combined community across at least 4 social media platforms amounting to a minimum of

Structure your content . That ’ s it . First , understand the purpose of your content . Is it to entertain , inform , advise , transform , or a mixture of some of these ? Once you have that on lock , stick to that purpose and be consistent about how you communicate in that vein .
1,000 followers before diving into paid ads . And this is what you will be doing over those 6 months :
Social Media
Understand how to engage online . It is not enough to appreciate the purpose of what you have to put out . You have to follow what I personally call the 4Cs of effective social media posting for success : Content , Creativity , Consistency , and Courage .
The first 3 are self-explanatory , I ’ ll talk about the last one : Courage . Most people are shy when it comes to talking about their business or themselves on social media due to imposter syndrome . Understandable as this might be , know that Visibility = Credibility = Profitability . People buy from people and people buy from people they trust . The best way to build trust at scale in the 21st Century is to put yourself and your business out there , online . Simple .
Respond appropriately to all comments and direct messages . Do not let your feed feel like one-way traffic . Let potential customers feel engaged and listened to . Encourage debate and sharing across your platforms . Ask questions and support answers .
The Power of One-on- Ones
Be brave enough to funnel those most interested in your product from your timeline to a private message , to email , to WhatsApp , to texts , to phone calls , to eventual face-to-face virtual meetings on Zoom .
80 MAL50 / 22 ISSUE