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technologies relevant to your field to stay productive . It may be the current operating system or the latest version of the software you use . Both individuals and organizations must adapt to these technologies . Only two options exist , adapt , or become obsolete . Purpose to adapt and learn as quickly as possible .
Keep Learning
Organizational learning and individual learning are necessary to remain relevant . For this to happen , learning must be valued highly . In some organizations for example , time is allotted during working hours for staff to focus solely on learning a particular skill . As an individual , even if your organization is not very supportive of your personal learning , you need to deliberately carve time to learn . This will allow you to upgrade your existing skillset as well as attain necessary new skills to thrive . The digital space is valuable as it offers platforms for learning and in many cases at very affordable costs . Make yourself difficult to replace by staying sharp in your field .
Keep up with the Latest Trends
Organizations that want to continue being profitable need to be open to upcoming trends . Through research and subscribing to platforms that keep one updated , one can be aware of what the latest trends are . An organization would do well to assign at least one individual in the organization the role to study upcoming trends and to inform the rest of the team of the same . As an individual , it is also important to stay abreast with what is happening lately . It allows you to be aware and adjust before being forced to do so which is usually uncomfortable . Study the latest trends in other industries as well as some of the things they are doing that can be adapted to fit your industry .
Be Adaptable
In a fast , constantly changing business environment , people and organizations who can adapt to changes are more than welcome . Organizations and individuals that are capable of modifying plans , are better equipped to keep up with current times . The Covid-19 pandemic demonstrated this clearly . Being adaptable means , critical and analytical thinking as well as practical problem-solving . Being adaptable in an organization starts from the top when management encourages experimenting and failure .
Study Successful Organizations and Individuals
What strategies , systems , software , etc . do they utilize ? How and who do they hire ? What habits have they adopted ? How do they carry out marketing and branding efforts ? Answering these questions will allow you to benchmark best practices against your own and adjust accordingly to increase your own chances of winning .
Adopt the 80 / 20 Rule
It is great to be a specialist and keep improving in your area of expertise . The world we live in today however requires us , organizations , and individuals to be like a T . Having expertise in one area and continuously improving on it but at the same time some level of expertise in other areas as well . This is especially true of marketing professionals . Find your niche , be good at it and be known for it but at the same time have some expertise in other areas as well .
Marion Wakahe is a marketing professional who is passionate about business growth and sustainability and its role in peoples ’ empowerment . She is of the opinion that the marketing function is the primary driver of business growth . You can engage with her via email : MWakahe @ gmail . com .