MAL 50:22 | Page 20

We must realize that a change in brand image and its resulting economic impact will not happen without a shift in subjective perceptions . It takes each one of us - collectively as Kenyans , to advocate for , and work towards the Kenya we want .
development agenda by undertaking initiatives to create a unique country identity and image that shall make it stand out in the global arena as a beautiful place to visit , invest , work , and live . In this regard , BKB has established a holistic brand management program recognizing that anybody or anything that influences the country ’ s perception and reputation matters .
Kenya has tried to spruce up its image locally by restructuring its administrative systems by creating a peaceful and investorfriendly environment . As a result , Kenya is now positioning herself as the land of the ninth wonder - the annual migration of wilder beasts to Tanzania . It also prides itself in the fact that it is the ancestral home of former U . S President - Barak Obama . Additionally , Kenya as a brand is “ packaged ” as an island of peace , a tourist haven with competitive rates , and a unique investment destination .
Attaining a National Brand
Consumer products primarily attain their brand perceptions from experiences people have with them , and in an era of social networks , experiences others have with these goods as well . For example , Singapore Airlines is recognized as one of the best airlines in the world . Some of this prestigious image came from advertising , to be sure , but much of it undoubtedly was attained from travelers ’ experiences with the airline and positive word-of-mouth to attract other passengers . Advertising , price , distribution , packaging , and other marketing elements also play a role .
Similarly , we have perceptions of countries based on our experience as tourists , customers , investors , followers of global news and social media , and what we hear from others . We learn and develop generalizations about various parts of the world - for example , products from Italy are considered quite stylish ; people in Brazil are amiable ; the Turkish coast is terrific , and doing business in India can be complicated . Again , these opinions are based on our experiences and what we have learned from others .
Countries that want to influence the world ’ s perceptions about themselves try to shape our impressions through such things as tourism bureaus , chambers of commerce , and foreign trade administrators , among others - just as businesses try to influence

We must realize that a change in brand image and its resulting economic impact will not happen without a shift in subjective perceptions . It takes each one of us - collectively as Kenyans , to advocate for , and work towards the Kenya we want .
customers ’ perceptions of their brands through advertising . There is a good reason for doing so : Attracting more enterprises , trade , exports , investments , and tourism strengthens a nation ’ s economy .
At the city and state level , we all know about New York ’ s “ I Love New York ” campaign , and Virginia ’ s “ Virginia is for Lovers ” ad slogan . More recently , India has begun promoting its “ Made by India ” campaign and China has been touting its “ Work with China ” tagline . However , in the same way that personal selling and direct advertising of consumer products aren ’ t readily visible to the general public , nationbranding efforts are not as outwardly visible since these generally are directed at the business community to encourage economic development , investment , or trade .
Perceptions of nation brands are derived from all sorts of experiences . Some of this is derived from the products countries produce and export worldwide . For example , Germany is well known for its development of excellent automobiles and hence thought of as superior in engineering . Italy is known for fashion , Switzerland for banking and watches , China for low-cost manufacturing , and Scandinavian countries for dairy products . Some companies take advantage of their nation ’ s positive brand image by promoting their country of origin and their brands and products , for example , Swiss Army Knives or German-engineered BMWs .
This does not always work in a positive direction if the nation is not mainly known for excelling in certain areas . I contend that the company name Lenovo was created to make it less apparent that it manufactures in China , as the name does not sound Chinese . This is probably wise , as China has not been known for being reliable or technologically innovative . Similarly , Häagen-Dazs ice cream is a brand name that most consumers associate with Scandinavia and carries a positive , wholesome dairy association . However , it is manufactured in New Jersey , which is not mainly known for its dairy products .
A nation ’ s brand image affects many other aspects of its economy beyond simply exports . For example , some countries are known for their innovation or intelligence / security capabilities , such as Israel , or for their low-cost manufacturing capabilities , such as China and India . These capabilities could have arisen because of human or natural resources , such as oil from Saudi Arabia or Russia or diamonds from South Africa . Often borne from reality , these perceptions lead to commerce in various forms . Perceptions about a nation ’ s capabilities within specific product categories also lead to increased exports of these products , such as shoes from Italy , beef from Brazil , or electronics from Japan .
The Dimensions of a Nation ’ s Brand
What dimensions help form a brand image ? It differs by category . If we measure people ’ s perceptions of toothpaste along several attributes , we will probably find the evaluation centering around two primary dimensions - whitening / brightening and decay prevention . Measuring people ’ s perceptions of nations reveals more complexity , reflected in more emerging dimensions . The central dimensions that drive people ’ s view of nations can be reduced to nine general categories : Adventure , Business Ready , Cultural Clout , Global Citizenship , Innovation & Entrepreneurship , Quality of Life , Power & Influence , Values & Heritage , and Differentiation .
To be sure , a nation can be perceived as strong in one dimension and weak in another . Brazil might be viewed as vital in adventure but not necessarily strong in Innovation & Entrepreneurship . Sweden might be regarded as one of the best nations in terms of Quality of Life , yet not necessarily dominant in Power and
20 MAL50 / 22 ISSUE